Lists of chemical elements

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List of chemical elements
Z[1] Symbol Element Origin of name Real-world Equivalent Why the name change?
1 H Hydrogen composed of the Amulndian elements hydere- and -gne meaning 'water-forming' Hydrogen
2 Ie Ietherium the Amulndian Polytheist Ietheri, the Sky Mother goddess Helium Named after the Greek god Helios
3 Li Lithium the Amulndian lither, 'stone' Lithium
4 Be Beryllium beryl, a mineral Beryllium
5 B Boron borax, a mineral Boron
6 C Carbon the Amulni caeb, 'coal' Carbon
7 N Nitrogen the Amulndian nietr- and -gne meaning 'niter-forming' Nitrogen
8 O Oxygen the Amulndian oks- and -gne meaning 'acid-forming' Oxygen
9 F Flourine the Amulni flou, 'flow' Flourine
10 Ne Neon the Amulndian neuo, 'new' Neon
11 Na Sodium the Atraelish sode (naterine in Amulni) Sodium
12 Ny Nytasium Nytas, a city of western Fascae in modern Nytposia Magnesium After the disctrict of Greece Magnesia
13 Al Aluminium from alumina, a compound Aluminium
14 Si Silicon from the Amulni sileǩ, 'flint' Silicon
15 P Phosphorous the Amulndian phosfores, 'carrying light' Phosphorous
16 S Sulfur the Amulni salfiry, 'fire and brimstone' Sulfur
17 Cl Chlorine the Amulndian chlorin, 'greenish yellow' Chlorine
18 Ar Argon the Amulndian agor, 'idle' Argon
19 K Potassium Amulni poutas, 'potash' (kalum in Amulndian) Potassium
20 Ca Calcium Amulni calǩ, 'lime' Calcium
  1. Z is the standard symbol for atomic number