Sine Lamdari

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Sine Lamdari
ვს჻დთიჷ (Sine L'amdari)

Archurch of St. Losaño, Sine Lamdari

Flag Coat of arms

Location of Sine Lamdari, in Urcinne

Founded: 1168
Country: FlagSineWeythern.png Sine Weythern
Mocassy[1]: Settlers Ground
Demonym: Lamdarian
Historically part of: FlagUrcinnanAmulna.png Amulnan Empire (1168-1816)
Incorporated: - into Sine Weythern during Sineal War of Independence (1816)
Geography & Demographics
Population: 4,240,000
Core industries: Military munitions, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, cotton, coal, iron ore, tourism
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Sine Lamdari (Amulni: ვს჻დთიჷ tr. Sine L'amdari, tras. "Free Citadel", pronounced ?/saɪn.læm.dɑ.ri/) is the largest city of Sine Weythern and a thriving centre of Urcinnan culture and capital.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. A Mocassy is region administered by a Mocassor, a high-ranking Astralist priest-politician.