User:Khalael/Sandbox 2

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Original Characters Donut Steel[edit | edit source]

A proficient public speaker with staunchly held libertarian values who appeals to a populist rhetoric of personal freedom in front of his nation's people and promotes the notion of small government to the masses. His ideological beliefs inspired the Lease Reform Act 1899 that tranferred a significan proportion of the Stewards political responsibilities onto the High-Leader and Stand-Leader, allowing him to adopt a more formal role as Head of State.

A managerial overseer more than a politician, Charles Giffard manages the internal workings of the Caserlic Lease and maintains the loyalty of the key players that operate within it. A firm believer in delegation, it's largely unknown what the man truly does beyond the occasional formal function. Critics of the current regime have noted that Giffard was a firm backer of Harold Smithman before his ascent to the premiership and the position of High-Leader was likely the result of cronyism following the ousting of Signis Tyler.

Something of a golden boy who was picked up from the lower ranks of the party by Charles Giffard in the years leading up to the removal of Steward Tyler. Previously holding a minor position in the Department of National Defence, he demonstrated an aptitude for intelligence work that gained him the attention of then serving High-General of the Lease, Eduard Wilfrith. Through Wilfrith he was introduced to Giffard and the plot to overthrow Steward Tyler in light of the economic ruin he'd brought upon the country. Trained to be an effective and loyal leader, he is known to be the mastermind behind the infamous Blue Eye Honeypot that lead to the arrests of several Tyler Loyalists in the years that followed the political coup.

Following the resignation of Eduard Wilfrith at the outbreak of the Nicimian Revolution, Fraser was promoted to the Low Lease to fill his position. A long time friend of Giffard, it's strongly suspected that cronyism played a part in his promotion considering he had only previously held the rank of Major General in the Royal Guard. Critics of the regime have noted a particular cruelty in the manner in which Fraser makes use of his position and that he holds views considered extreme even by the party's standards. Critics within his own party believe him to be a jumped up sycophant with no leadership capabilities and some suspect he was appointed to serve as a scapegoat for military failures.

A Ruuvan migrant who sought a better life in Atraeth, Makinen is often used by the party as an example of the self-made man in promoting the rhetoric of self-improvement to the masses. According to the man himself, he always shared Giffard's vision, accrediting this to inspiring his emigration and latterly enrollment in the party. Almost religiously devoted to the party, he has demonstrated a competence beyond that which was expected of him, even if he is often abroad or out-of-touch with his comrades.

A Welbenthian born member of the Low-Lease who was personally appointed by Signis Tyler to the position under the previous regime in 1888. Initially a staunch Tyler Loyalist, he was turned months before the coup d'etat after witnessing the dismissal of Low Lease members for questioning Tyler's decisions, including the infamous detainment of Stand-Leader Charles Giffard in 1890. Immediately after the coup d'etat Martin Laober served as Acting Steward with his sole acts being to release Charles Giffard from jail and nominate High-Leader Harold Smithman as his replacement. He triggered the Cross-Lease Election of 1891 that saw the popular Smithman win by a landslide and be formally sworn into office as Steward of Atraeth. For his loyalty he was rewarded with his former position and given the safe seat of Karbasig to hold.

Appointed to the position under the Smithman Regime by recommendation of Charles Giffard, Andrew Miller is one of the youngest members to serve in the Low-Lease. Successfully elected to his position in Cross-Lease Election of 1891, he has held his seat since, serving as a competent manager of the medical infrastructure in the country. Miller's desire to see a more fighting fit armed forces lead to the Health Act Reform of 1896 that rolled out free healthcare to all enlisted personnel.

Something of a firebrand within the Smithman Regime, the former Estoilian President was appointed to the Low Lease under recommendation of Charles Giffard and Eric Abbey for the part he played in the coup d'etat, providing military support to the new regime. Suspected to be a protege of Abbey's, Kostelekcy was given responsibility of the industrial sector, a position in which he has excelled at through his years of experience in extensive micromanagement of resources. Efficiency has been up over 150% since he took over the position and he's poised to further develop the mineral rich Sirthcys Region in the years to come. Kostelecky is largely praised as being a keystone in Atraeth's recovery from the Great Crash.

  • Michael Haberson - Chief Viceroy of Atraelish Neira; Hobrien
  • Javier Bashem - Chief Viceroy of Atraelish Urcinne; Kannasi
  • Eduard Wilfrith - General of the 1st Pyorencian Lions, Former High-General of the Lease; Pyorencian (MIA in Nicimia)
  • Kahurangi - Urcinnan Warlord; Urcinnan
  • Signis Tyler - Former Acting Steward of Atraeth; Atraelish

Rulers of Atraeth[edit | edit source]

List of Monarchs[edit | edit source]

House TBD[edit | edit source]

  • (1015 - 1031)

House Lowthwaite[edit | edit source]

  • Alger I Lowthwaite (1433 - 1452) First cousin of the former king, and trusted general of the King's Forces, Alger ascended to the throne after the monarch died without issue. Gained the fealty of Vinthis in 1443 in preparation for a planned conquest of the Hobrian Kingdoms. Invaded Karbasig the following year, conquering it by 1445. Consolidated power in the regions and prepared for an invasion of Asthuumry, but took ill in the spring of 1452 and died before he could begin it.
  • Alger II Lowthwaite (1452 - 1457) A brash warrior-king who sought to further his father's legacy, beginning a five-year war against the Asthuumrish. Held the southern lands from 1453 onwards and established the settlement of Victory Square at the site of his victory against the Asthuumrish King. Underestimated the tenacity of the Asthuumrish and the determination of the new king to deny him the north. Was slain in combat during the Battle of the Three Kings in 1457. Avenged by his son of eighteen years, who slew his attacker and would later lead the Atraelish forces to victory.
  • Alger III Lowthwaite (1457 - 1484) Crowned upon the battlefield following the Atraelish victory against Asthuumrish. Ordered the settlement of Solex to be built in honour of the battle and his late father. Rallied the Hobrian warlords his father had subdued to bolster his forces and continue his grandfather's vision of conquering the northern kingdoms. Forced the King of Hassafin to bend the knee in 1460 before embarking on a seven year campaign against the dissenting warlords that refused to recognize his rule. Captured Cmein in 1469, with a fleet of warships, and integrated Vinthis into Atraeth in 1470 as part of his preparation for an invasion of Sirthycs, which was completed in 1472, cementing Atraelish rule across the entire peninsula. Alger is remembered as a warrior-king who was an incredible military leader but a poor domestic one, with much of his affairs at home notably handled by his wife and the royal court in his stead. Upon his return to Pethnas after being on campaign for almost twenty years, he was welcomed as a hero publicly but struggled to adapt to civilian life and handle state affairs. Left the capital again in the winter of 1473, instigating the Ruuvan War in an attempt to reclaim Atraedian land lost to the Ruuv Empire centuries before. Spent a further eight years of his reign on campaign before suffering a serious injury in 1481 that forced him to return to the capital while his forces occupied northern Ruuv. While indisposed, the royal court agreed to an exchange of the lands occupied by Atraelish forces for the marriage of his daughter to the Crown Prince of Ruuv, thereby ending the conflict. This move was publicly declared "unsatisfactory" by Alger III, who believed the lands were Atraelish by right and had been won through conquest, thus making the match unnecessary, despite the insistence of his court that it had been the interests of the realm to end the war cordially. The remainder of his reign was fraught with contention between himself and the decisions made by court, with his wife often stepping in to settle important affairs as she had done throughout his extended absence. Died in 1484 at the age of forty-five under what were considered to be suspicious circumstances, with it being believed that he may have been poisoned by his own court for being such a violent liability.
  • Alger IV Lowthwaite (1484 - 1498) Raised by his mother and influenced heavily by the royal court, Alger IV barely knew his father beyond his reputation as a fearsome warrior-king. Ascended the throne at the age of twenty-eight. He moved the capital from Pethnas to Solex in 1490 to centralise power and tighten Atraelish grip upon the north. Instigated many political reforms including granting more powers to members of his court and guaranteeing the rights of lords who bent the knee to his father during the unification. Died during a horse-riding incident at the age of forty-one.
  • Alger V Lowthwaite (1498 - 1533) Passed the "Deed of Amulndian Birthright" in 1501, officially commencing the nation's gradual process of westernisation.
  • Edgar I Lowthwaite (1533 - 1541) Gained the throne after the murder of his brother, Alger V Lowthaite, during the War of the Lions.
  • Alger VI Lowthwaite (1541 - 1565) Continued his father's efforts to westernise the country until the 1550s.

House TBD[edit | edit source]

  • (1692 - 1697)

List of Stewards[edit | edit source]

  • Esmond Beckwith, 1st Laird of Solex (1697 - 1714) - Holding the position of Steward within the Royal Court prior to the Lensua Tragedy, in which the Atraelish Royal family were assassinated during a state visit to the Duchy of Pyorencia, he assumed leadership of the Atraelish Empire. Proclaimed that he would hold the position "until such time that a suitable heir of agreeable character could be found." Died before such a candidate was deemed eligible to hold the Atraelish Crown.
  • Egerton Beckwith, 2nd Laird of Solex (1714 - 1734) - Following the death of his father and in accordance with the rules of succession to which the royal court felt obliged to follow, Egerton assumed command over Atraeth and her Colonies. A man of devout Ignist beliefs, Egerton believed it would be wrong in the eyes of his religion to maintain a dynastic claim to a throne that was not rightfully his and introduced reforms that would allow for the position to be held by other members of the nobility deemed to be "of good and moral character". In this capacity he created the Caserlic Lease, for the rulers of the lairdships to appoint a Steward from within their own ranks upon the death of the incumbent Steward.
  • Hollis Wedgwood, 8th Laird of Aelglina (1734 - 1748) - First Steward to be sworn into the position under the reformed system. Elected by the Caserlic Lease. Served faithfully from his appointment until his death at the age of 71.
  • Lyndon Sirthcyforth, 9th Laird of Sirthcys (1748 - 1765) - Steward during the Atraelish Civil War.
  • Hadden Eastaughffe, 5th Laird of Lensua (1765 - 1788) - First Pyorencian to hold the position of Steward. Steward during the Second Atraelish Invasion of Saeyri.
  • Edgar Atherforth, 7th Laird of Whitecliff (1788 - 1796) - A pragmatic leader who recognized the threat of foreign republican ideology and sought to engineer a new system by which it appeased the common folk but maintained the balance of power within the clutches of the ruling classes. Atherforth formed the Caserlic Atraelish Party, which represented the interests of Atraelish Imperialism under the guise of liberal republicanism, and separated the Caserlic Lease into the High Lease and the Low Lease. In doing so he introduced the concept of limited representative democracy in the form of elections for members of the Low Lease from a list of candidates and the appointment of Steward being decided by a vote in the Low Lease. Titles formerly held by the nobility were abolished and replaced with ones that would appeal to the illusion of democratic thought, with the "High-Leader" and "Stand-Leader" positions introduced as advisory positions to the Steward. Introduced what would become the standard of five year terms for Stewards and members of the Low Lease. Coined the term Caserlic Republic of Atraeth. Died in office at the age of 63.
  • Wulfthere Lorimer, Governor of Upper Asthuumry (1796 - 1809) - The former Laird of Portside, founding member of the Caserilic Atraelish Party and long term friend of Edgard Atherforth. Appointed as High-Leader of Atraeth following Atherforth's reform of government. Held the position of acting Steward for four years following the unexpected death of Edgar Atherforth, before being sworn in to office in 1800 after winning the Low Lease Ballot. Assassinated in 1809 while touring the Fascae Front.
  • Harold Caerworth, Governor of Lower Asthuumry (1809 - 1815) - The former Laird of Victory Square, founding member of the Caserilic Atraelish Party and close adviser to Wulfthere Lorimer. Held the position of Stand-Leader from 1790 to 1796 and High-Leader from 1796 to 1809. Served as Acting Steward for a year before being elected by the Low Lease hold the position for the next term. Mastermind of the disastrous Atrae-Seonmi War that ensured he was not re-elected by the Low Lease at the end of his first proper term. Died under mysterious circumstances four days following his expulsion from government.
  • Bermund Atherforth, Governor of Karbasig (1815 - 1830) - Son of the late Edgard Atherforth, elected as a safe choice after the controversial Caerworth Regime. Granted limited autonomy to Estoil and Pegard, releasing them as Protectorates of the Realm. Conducted the infamous Solex Purge to rid the cabinet and the military of the remnants of the Caerworth Clique. Served three terms before relinquishing his right to stand for re-election due to ill health. Died peacefully in the comfort of his Mascletown home in 1834 at the age of 78.
  • Sigwin Beckwith, Governor of Solex (1830 - 1835): Great-Grandson of Egerton Beckwith.
  • Centweald Hassaforth, Governor of Hassafin (1835 - 1848) - Popular leader for first two terms, impeached by the Low Lease and fired from his position following the Mainathian Scandal.
  • Osfrith Warrer, Governor of Naoses (1848 - 1850) - Acting Steward, failed to be elected into position in the 1850 Low Lease Ballot.
  • Elstan Sirthcyforth, Governor of Sirthcys (1850 - 1855) - Great-Grandson of Lyndon Sirthcyforth.
  • Osfrith Warrer, Governor of Naoses (1855 - 1860) - Elected as Steward properly, making him the first Steward to have served two separate terms.
  • Alwin Bekker, Governor of Ederen (1860 - 1870) - First Pyoerncian to be elected as Steward.
  • Leofheah Iladar, Governor of Solex (1870 - 1875) - Won the 1870 Joint Lease Ballot by a close margin having served previously as Stand-Leader for ten years. Lost the 1875 Joint Lease Ballot to surprise nominee Eadwulf Frobisher. Initially sought to resign from politics but was appointed as High-Leader by Frobisher, who sought to strengthen what he perceived to be a party splitting down partisan lines.
  • Eadwulf Frobisher, Governor of Upper Asthuurmy (1875 - 1888) - Former High-General of the Lease who won against the incumbent Leofheah Forester in the 1875 Joint Lease Ballot. Possessed of imperial ambition, Frobisher turned Atraelish interest towards the Ansyln Coast and Mngwer Spice Islands, promising he would lead the first overseas expansion of Atraeth since the Thirty Year War. The first five years of his regime were deceptively peaceful, primarily focused on building up the armed forces to a level he deemed necessary to compete on the world stage. In 1879, he sent the majrotiy of the Atraelish Fleet to rebase in Wu, following an agreement made with the Ducassor of Flaigasil. In 1880, a month before the Joint Lease Ballot, he travelled to Yashurhiel and made a bold demand to the Atloehyoszo Dynasty to relinquish the island of Kajura or have it taken by force. After they refused, he commanded the revitalized Caserlic Navy to sink the Yashurhiel Navy while simultaneously landing troops upon the island to seize it. His demonstration that he was a man of his word gained him re-election in 1880 to a near unanimous majority. With the Yashurhieli Navy suffering devastating losses to Atraeth's new dreadnoughts, Zhyajkur II Atloehyoszo was forced to concede the island to the Atraelish in 1881. Wasting no time to regroup and capture his next objective, Frobisher traveled to Zavoykun to rent Zavoy Harbour from the Haygažu. In 1883 Zavoy Harbour had been rebuilt to meet the Caserlic Navy's standards and the Invasion of Justavka was launched in the Woodhallow of that year. Justavka capitulated in the Estore of 1884, securing Frobisher a third term. He died in office at the age of 71 after taking ill with pneumonia. Eadwulf Frobisher is generally regarded as Atraeth's Greatest Leader.
  • Signis Tyler, Governor of Vinthis (1888 - 1891) - A careerist opportunist who rapidly rose to power by being in the right place at the right time before being ousted in the 1891 Coup d'Etat for crashing the Atraelish Economy.
  • Martin Laober, Governor of Karbasig (1891) - Served as Acting Steward after the deposition of Signis Tyler for two days during which time he pardoned Charles Giffard of High Treason and appointed Harold Smithman as his successor.
  • Harold Smithman, Governor of Solex (1891 - Present) - Elected by a stacked Low Lease of supporters. Appointed loyal backers Charles Giffard and Eric Abbey to the positions of High-Leader and Stand-Leader respectively. Transferred more powers to the High-Leader and Stand-Leader to allow them to intervene directly in the Atraelish Economy.

List of High-Leaders[edit | edit source]

  • Wulfthere Lorimer, Governor of Upper Asthuumry (1790 - 1796) - See Steward entry above.
  • Harold Caerworth, Governor of Lower Asthuumry (1796 - 1809) - See Steward entry above.
  • (1809 - 1815)
  • (1815 - 1830)
  • (1830 - 1840)
  • (1840 - 1845)
  • (1845 - 1850)
  • (1850 - 1855)
  • (1855 - 1860)
  • (1860 - 1865)
  • (1865 - 1870)
  • (1870 - 1875)
  • Leofheah Iladar, Governor of Solex (1875 - 1886) - Having been defeated in the 1875 elections was appointed as High-Leader of Atraeth by his opponent, Eadwulf Frobisher who saw value in keeping the seasoned politician as an adviser. Served faithfully for eleven years until he suddenly died in office after suffering a heart attack at the age of 68.
  • Harold Smithman, Governor of Solex (1886 - 1891) - See Steward entry above.
  • Charles Giffard, Governor of Cmein (1891 - Present) - The former Stand-Leader once imprisoned for High Treason by the Tyler Regime. Suspected mastermind of the 1891 Coup d'Etat that saw him exonerated of all charges and pardoned by Acting Steward Martin Laober. Appointed to hold the position of High-Leader by long time friend and political ally Harold Smithman. Drew up the governmental reforms that passed more powers to the High-Leader, Stand-Leader and Low-Lease in the decision making process, leaving the Steward's responsibilities to lie solely with those duties expected of the Head of State.

List of Stand-Leaders[edit | edit source]

  • Harold Caerworth, Governor of Lower Asthuumry (1790 - 1796) - See Steward entry above.
  • (1876 - 1809)
  • (1809 - 1815)
  • (1815 - 1830)
  • (1830 - 1840)
  • (1840 - 1845)
  • (1845 - 1850)
  • (1850 - 1855)
  • (1855 - 1860)
  • Leofheah Iladar, Governor of Solex (1860 - 1870) - Appointed Stand-Leader in 1860 by Alwin Bekker. Retained his position after being re-elected as Governor of Solex in the 1865 State Elections. Stood as a candidate in the Joint Lease Ballot of 1870 and won the Stewardship, thus forcing him to resign as Stand-Leader.
  • (1870 - 1875)
  • (1875 - 1880)
  • Harold Smithman, Governor of Solex (1880 - 1886) - See Steward entry above.
  • Charles Giffard, Governor of Cmein (1886 - 1890) - See High-Leader entry above.
  • Dunister Kerbek, Portside Councilman (1890 - 1891) - Appointed Stand-Leader by Signis Tyler in 1890 after the arrest of Stand-Leader Charles Giffard for High Treason. Deposed in the 1891 coup d'etat and fled into exile. After staying off the radar for three years he surfaced in Etruarand to give an interview in 1894 where he gave a short criticism of the Smithman Regime and is quoted as saying "Giffard was the worst." Subsequently vanished in 1895 while touring Virassia, with critics of the Atraelish regime believing he was assassinated by the far right People's Revolutionary Front for espousing his Anti-Atraelish beliefs.
  • Eric Abbey, Governor of Lensua (1891 - Present) - A political unknown before the 1891 Coup d'Etat, Abbey worked in intelligence with the Department of National Defence holding no political position until he was given the safe seat of his home state in the 1895 Cross-Lease Elections, seeing him elected as Governor of Lensua and cementing his position as a key figure within the Smithman Regime.