User:NecrusIV/Sandbox 3

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Stories[edit | edit source]

[[file:Cover TheEternalRevolution.jpg|900px|center]]

Sketches[edit | edit source]

Synsol temple, built in the traditional Tainzaing Dynasty architecture
Zhotl dynasty era Yashur warrior
Zhotl dynasty era Yashur chyoszos (trireme)
ancient eastern Amulndian helmet (top), ancient Seonmi warrior (middle and bottom)
ancient/early medieval Flaiga warrior
draft sketch of a young Mark Nowe
draft sketch of Signis Pale
ancient and early medieval eastern Amulndian warrior (left), early middle ages western Amulndian warrior (right)
Yumeran warrior
Hararist ti-wyotlana sculpture (left) and a Yumeran inul boar woodcut (right)
Sketches of the key rifles used by the Allies and Entente in WW1 + logo drafting of the Etruarac rifle manufacturing company
Various sketches and notes, showing Virassian dialect phonemes (partial; top) Virassian Vibser coins (left) the Michlinof Gate (centre) and a comparison between a grand ducassor and regular crown (amongst unrelated notes on economics)
Chasteuilan Virassian tented dome, a classic architectural feature of Virassia
Drafting Yashurhieli architecture
draft sketch of Zhyajkur II Atloehyoszo, left of a royal banner (which actually says "Zhotl" though in an anachronistic modern style)
Sketch comparing a Spanish conquistador with an Amulni colonist
Barvalese solider c.1900 in traditional dress (left) and a 16th century Amulni soldier
Various 15th century Amleian soldiers, showing variation in technology and uniforms
Difference in standard equipment for Atraelish soldiers from 1450 to 1500 during its process of westernisation
Yashurhieli troops of the late Hanhuatl dynasty, c. 1630's
Unnamed Mark I-esque Atraelish female heavy tank
Typical north Abatan house
Flaigalish temple, built in typical south Abatan style
Typical huts of Nuntu peasantry
Neiran language family tree
Sketches of the flags of the four Seonmi states, and Umurabn
Seony flower sketch (original design)