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Welcome to the Industria Pacificum Wiki
The avant-garde, perpetually unfinished wiki dedicated to collecting Industria Pacificum lore

Industria Pacificum is a work of political fiction set within a fictional parallel of Earth during several key periods of history (i.e. "arcs"), chronicling the lives of its various peoples, of wars, of technological and sociopolitical advancement, and of class struggle.

We are currently editing 314 articles.

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Featured Article


Seonmi (ㄎㄛㄜㄍㄓㄩㄘㄚㄅㄛㄔㄜㄛㄌㄇㄚㄋㄅㄠ, Roscoe transliteration: Koegzhijaboseonymanbau, Evangeline transliteration: K'oegtsh'izaposeonymanpau, pronounced (Goryrang dialect) [kʰoeɡ.ʈ͡ʂʰi.ʑa.po.ɕeo.nʲɯ]) is a language spoken by the peoples of Hwabaek, Kuosomy, and Saeyri, with small communities of speakers in Aggurat and Uetse. Seonmi is a polysynthetic ergative–absolutive language. Being polysynthetic, Seonmi's words are composed of many morphemes (i.e. the smallest meaningful units of a language), many of which cannot be used in isolation. Polysynthetic languages like Seonmi typically have long "sentence-words" comprised of subjects and objects and nouns, describers and verbs sewn together with any number of morphemes which add necessary grammatical information. Amongst its many dozens of morphemes, there are complex systems of honorifics and evidentiality... (read more)
Featured Article no. 4 of 8

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Updates and information

Community Polls

Previous polls:

  • 22 August 2016: "Taking scale into account (e.g. Neira being comparable in size to Europe) and the fact that in real life there has been significantly more nations than what this setting usually has, should Industria Pacificum have more countries? If so, how many?" closed with a full majority votes (3) for "Like 5-6".
  • 1 April 2016: "Would you support Industria Pacificum expanding to include more authors in the future?", closed with a full majority of votes (3) for "Maybe/Indifferent."
  • 19 January 2016: "Should stories in Industria Pacificum use "cover" images in a similar fashion to GHOST/Ghost_K?", closed with 3 votes for "Yes", against 1 for "No".
  • 17 October 2015: "How reliable and deadly should tanks in Industria Pacificum be?", closed with a full majority of votes (3) for "Historically unreliable, like WWI tanks; often break down, frequently yield mixed results on the battlefield, move at a walking pace, armour thick enough to resist small arms fire and shrapnel but not large shells."


  • 30 April 2018 — Setting development put on hold to focus on other projects
  • 24 May 2017 — Wiki turns 2 years old.
  • 24 Feb 2017 — 300th article published.
  • 8 Feb 2017 — Shoutwiki completes server migration and editing is enabled again
  • 5 Sept 2016 — Arc system introduced, broadening IP's away focus beyond one specific period of history
  • 24 May 2016 — Wiki turns 1 year old.
  • 15 Jan 2016 — creation rate of official artwork beings to pick up the pace.
  • 8 Aug 2015 — 100th article published.
  • 4 Aug - 7 Aug 2015 — Second wave of 503/502 errors bring back traumatic memories of the first wave, severely triggering all users.
  • 10 Jul 2015 — First development on historical nations and events.
  • 21 Jun - 5 Jul 2015 — Wiki braves a storm of 503/502 errors. Users appear to desert the wiki as almost all creativity is stifled.
  • 17 Jun 2015 — Significant development in nation states and second edition political map published.
  • 15 Jun 2015 — First political map published.
  • 6 Jun 2015 — Production up 300%. Template rations increased to 20 grams.
  • 30 May 2015 — Wiki made semi-public.
  • 29 May 2015 — Organisational framework set up.
  • 24 May 2015 — Wiki founded.

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