Amulndian Polytheism
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Amulndian Polytheism is a religion native to northern Cymlun and one of the oldest religions in the world. From to 556 BCE to 1CE it was the state religion of the Amulndian Empire before it collapsed at the dawn of the common era.
History[edit | edit source]
Early history[edit | edit source]
Fall of the Amulndian Empire[edit | edit source]
Though widely practiced in the wake of the Empire's collapse, the collapsed Amulndian state apparatus that served as the church's religious centre could no longer provide a centralised leadership to its millions of adherents, throwing the local high priests of the empire into disarray. In 9 CE the first and most significant schism occurred, known as the East-West Schism, splitting the religion into the Eastern Church and the Western Church headed by the dominant high priests of Cymlun and Amlei respectively. By the time of the subsequent schisms of the late medieval and early modern eras, the eastern branch would become known as Old Igniscism, named in honour of its founding high priest Dunister Ignisc, and the western branch Old Astralism, a colloquial name derived from its adherents' usage of the Sun-Star as a religious icon.
The schism was triggered when High Priest Dunister Ignisc of the former Amulndian province of Maines (modern day Mainath and Xhequa) and made several reformations to established scripture and rites after allegedly seeing a vision expressing the demands of the Great Mover and its desire to be worshipped as a sentient and singular god, and that the gods of old were merely aspects of his will. Within the year he founded the Church of Igniscism, becoming its first prophet. Though the high priests of Amals, Vars and later Fascae supported his reformations, which suited their own wills to power over the lands of upper Cylmun, the priests of the provinces of Amlei did not, whose spheres of influence spread no further east than the Sea of Pemylsc. The priests of Amlei branded Ignisc as wildly delusional and claimed that his teachings of the existence of a single god were the ramblings of a madman, setting ablaze the millennia-long tension between the east and west.