Federal Socialist Republic of Yashurhiel

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Federal Socialist Republic of Yashurhiel


Black Flag (top; unofficial flag before 1938)
National Flag after 1938 (bottom)
Emblem (from 1938)

Map of Federal Socialist Republic of Yashurhiel

Capital: Zhenams
Official languages: none official
Demonym: Socialist Yashurhieli
Government: Federal Socialist Worker's Republic
- Chairperson[1]: Vizach Hatlogasz
- General Secretary [1]: Mezh Zhabulitl
State religion: none official
Formation: 1937
Conquered: 1939 by FlagYashurhielRepublic.png Coloured Army during the Yashurhieli Civil War
Geography & Demographics
Currency: Kheklam(?)
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The Federal Socialist Republic of Yashurhiel (Yashurhieli tr. Kaszỏbá Sỏsziyàlizt Ryupábalká Zìsyảshùrhịel), commonly shortened to FSRY and colloquially referred to as Socialist Yashurhiel, was the short-lived workers' state which governed most of northeastern Yashurhiel after the Yashurhieli Revolution and during most of the Yashurhieli Civil War before the defeat of the socialist Black Army by the the nationalist Coloured Army.

Politics[edit | edit source]

Governance[edit | edit source]

During the latter half of the revolution and most of the republic's existence, the FSRY was a worker's state with political power firmly in the hands of the organised Yashurhieli working class, coordinated by a democratic and accountable network of workers councils organised on many levels, from the shop floor at the lowest level made up of workers themselves, to town or city suburb councils formed of elected delegates, diocesian and prefectural councils, and ultimately coordinated at the highest level by the Yashurhieli Central Council of Workers and Soldiers Deputies in Zhenams.

Nations & Colonies (Arc V)
Amlei FlagAmulna.png Amulna FlagBaroula.png Baroula FlagBzkavia.png Bzkavia FlagCambrinia.png Cambrinia FlagCesmela.png Cesmela FlagCleonia.png Cleonia FlagCordurou.png Cordurou FlagCossica.png Cossica FlagCraerelcy.png Craerelcy FlagEflela.png Eflela FlagEtruarand.png Etruarand FlagFreasiea.png FreasieaFlagFrevannd.png Frevannd FlagIscandon.png Iscandon FlagIqualna.png Iqualna FlagLegrena.png Legrena Flag Libitaea.png Libitaea Flag Mahlerand.png Mahlerand FlagPelannica.png Pelannica FlagSoleim.png Soleim FlagUnitedKingdoms.png United Kingdoms FlagVirassia MilitaryJunta.png Virassia
Cymlun Flag Anagini.png Anagini FlagAtraeth.png Atraeth FlagDitira.png Ditira Flag Flaigasil.png Flaigasil Flag Gakkni.png Gakkni FlagGashaorhiel.png Gashaorhiel Flag Haluwa.png Haluwa Flag Icoratha.png Icoratha Flag Jaahnbe.png Jaahnbe FlagMainath.png Mainath Flag Nasu.png Nasu FlagRuuvattu.png Ruuvattu FlagSonyang.png Saeyri Flag Ugataran.png Ugataran FlagUmurabn.png Umurabn FlagVarland.png Varland FlagWelbenth.png Welbenth FlagXhequa.png Xhequa FlagYashurhiel.png Yashurhiel (FlagSocialistRevolutionaries.png FSRY FlagYashurhielRepublic.png Yashurhieli Republic)
Neira Flag Likadja.png Likadja Flag of Odokcraca.png Odokcraca Flag Vosdoj.png Vosdoj Flag of thr LVP.png Variyako
Urcinne Flag Anamutra.png Anamutra FlagAurygus.png Aurygus FlagHanayiuds.png Hanayiuds FlagMakrisa.png Makrisa FlagOmlyiudEmpire.png Omlyiuds FlagOymlunei.png Oymlunei FlagPoscia.png Poscia FlagSineWeythern.png Sine Weythern FlagSorba.png Sorba Flag Tlaxunawal.png Tlaxunawal Flag Umren.png Umren Flag WanijmanguraModern.png Wanijmangura FlagYieshyiudEmpire.png Yieshyiuds Flag Yuatma.png Yuatma Flag Yupanxla.png Yupanxla
Amlei FlagEtruarac SouthAmlei.png Etruarac South Amlei
Cymlun FlagEtruarac Gashaorhiel.png Etruarac Gashaorhiel
Neira FlagAtraelish Variyako.png Atraelish Neira
Urcinne FlagSineWeythern.png Sineal Urcinne
Vorsbn & Island colonies FlagAmulna.png Amulni St. Jañinoua Islands FlagAmulna.png Amulni St. Losaño Islands FlagAtraeth Vorsbn.png Atraelish Vorsbic Territory FlagEtruarac Vorsbn.png Etruarac Aleksae Island FlagEtruarac FraternityIslands.png Etruarac Fraternity Islands FlagEtruarac Honotaua.png Etruarac Honotaua FlagVirassianBirbantodt.png Virassian Birbantodt FlagIqualna.png Iqualni St. Pollindre Islands FlagXhequal IronIslands.png Xhequal Iron Islands
Arc I · Arc II · Arc III · Arc IV · Arc V · Arc VI · Arc VII
  1. 1.0 1.1 A largely administrative position on the Central Comittee of the Yashurhieli Central Council of Workers and Soldiers Deputies.