List of Wunal words and phrases
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This article contains Wunal (Ge'ez) text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Unicode characters
A repository of all mentioned Wunal words and phrases, as used in the lexicon, and all throughout the Industria Pacificum lore and literature.
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Words[edit | edit source]
The majority of words listed in this list are words in their base form (that is, words that are not part of any word string, are not marked with a case declension, and are in present tense) unless otherwise specified: i.e. in the case of proper nouns, common word strings, and other word strings found in the lore and literature.
Some things to note: Since Wunal words rely on articles to determine whether or not they’re plural, and do not change their form when used in a different context (i.e. “Australia” and “Australian”), English translations will be accompanied by their English plural variants and alternate formats.
- ind. - An independent word (words that can function as nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs)
- de. - A dependant word; a describer (words that function only as adjectives and adverbs, and can only be used after an independent word)
- C. - A commonly used word string
- prop. - A proper noun
- conj. - A conjunction
- desc. - A descriptive article (typically used for prepositional functions)
- desc.* - A descriptive article that can also be used as a dependant word (in some dialects)
Word Transliteration (Native Word) [word type.; word type.] /IPA/
English Literal Translation
- Most applicable definition
- Less applicable definition
- Less applicable definition (additional notes)
- ...
- (context, i.e. “vulgar”, “archaic”, Alternate Spelling, etc) Less applicable definition within this context
- …
- [word type.]
- Less applicable, alternate definition that instead functions as above word type
- …
Alawah'teye (ፀለወ᎙᎐ቴዬ) [de.]
- Something now ancient that was once greatly prosperous, powerful and influential.
Ba'reǩe (በ᎐ሬኼ) [ind.]
- To speak, to vocalise.
Boyelshayi (ቦዬልሸዪ) [ind.]
Unwelcome guest
- An unwelcome guest to a gathering. Has strong connotations to a that of a serial rapist and/or sexual predator.
Bysid (ቢሢድ) [ind.]
- Negative, no, incorrect. Unlike the English “no”, it cannot be interpreted as its opposite.
Čuča (ቹቸ) [ind.]
Arbitrary amount
- A group of something with a number equal to or greater than two, with a numerical value unknown and unfixed, i.e. prone to change.
Daǩ (ደኼ) [ind.]
- Dog; of any breed. Typically domesticated.
Felke (ፌልኬ) [ind.]
- A land or region.
- A place.
Fe'kwi (ፌ᎐ክዊ) [de.]
- A kindred spirit, a universal attitude
- A slogan, catch phrase or buzzword
- (vulgar slang) A highly offensive word regarding small, close-knit groups, typically those which frequently use inside jokes and are hostile to others that attempt to join. Can be used in a similar context to the English “circle jerk”.
Ižaduta (ፂዠዱተ) [ind.]
- A political territory of any general size. Typically refers to a county, kingdom or vassal state.
Ivun (ፂቩን) [de.]
Wunal civilisation
- The/a Wunal civilisation, or simply a civilisation of a Wunal quality.
Iwika (ፂዊከ) [ind.]
- (Typical of southern dialects) Tiny amount, like a grain of sand. Used primarily as a descriptive article in other dialects.
Ižeka (ፂዤከ) [ind.]
- A very large political territory, often encompassing multiple ethnicities, smaller nations and/or different cultures within its borders.
Jaže'kaǩeba (የዤ᎐ከኼበ) [ind.]
- Hideous, misshapen, almost inhuman in appearance.
J̌aa (ጀ᎕) [ind.]
- To be, to exist
Ki (ኪ) [ind.]
- An earth mineral, typically a hard stone or metal favoured for its great weight and/or strength.
Kan (ከን) [ind.]
- Affirmative, yes, correct. Unlike the English “yes”, it cannot be interpreted as its opposite.
Kuli (ኩሊ) [de.]
- Something warring and bickering with others of its kind and/or itself.
Ǩesudu (ኼሡዱ) [ind.]
- Domination, or to dominate
- Overtaken and consumed
Ǩu (ኹ) [ind.]
- Fire; the process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and give out light, heat, and smoke.
Načme (ነቻሜ) [ind.]
- The activities associated with the governance and operation of a nation, region or organisation, with specific connotations of such being exclusivity carried out by a specialised group of people intended for the role rather than the greater population.
Nela (ኔለ) [ind.]
- The world; all the known lands.
Oktipa (ፆክቲጰ) [ind.]
Product of passion
- An object (action involved behind) the creation of a product intended to display, fulfil and/or assess one's skill in craftsmanship, and for the sake of hobby and passion.
Salisuuča (ሠሊሡ᎕ቸ) [ind]
Artistic imagining
- Something imaginary created through artistic pursuits.
Sulaweya (ሡለዌየ) [ind]
- Something beautiful, in an emotionally touching or artful way.
Zešuty (ዜሹቲ) [ind.]
- A make-believe tale or event intended as a story, with its fictitious nature known to the audience, as opposed to a false truth whose audience it deceives.
Phrases[edit | edit source]
Nuwo Slado'dobrokzejža? (ኑዎ፡ሥለዶ᎐ብሮክዜይዠ፧)
- Translates to "You prayed today?". A common greeting used on a one-on-one basis. For addressing groups, the plural form Sowo Slado'dobrokzejža? is used.
Languages | |
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Language families | Central Cymluni · Ewigic · Lowcymlu-urcinnan · Neiran · Upcymlu-amleian · Yumeran |
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Major languages | Abata · Amulni · Atraelish · Barva · Cesmelan · Etruarac · Flaigalish · Gakknir · Gashaorhieli · Jovaran · Mahleka · Mainathan · Mordrasi · Mukegani · Pelannician · Ruuvatthan · Seonmi · Tzolkese · Umura · Varlish · Virassian · Wunal · Yashurhieli |
Minor languages | Šamolai |
Misc. | |
Grammar | Amulni · Seonmi · Virassian · Wunal |
Word lists | List of Seonmi words and phrases · List of Wunal words and phrases |