National Revolutionary League

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National Revolutionary League
ዊፆ፡ፆዎ᎐ቩ᎐ፂጀ᎐ነየ᎐ኼ᎐ሢርኪትኪ፡ፂዠዱተዎ (Wio Owo'vu'iya'naja'ǩe'sirkitki Ižadutawo)
Motto: One people, everlasting and eternal.
Militant secret society
Ideological doctrine: Pan-Wunal nationalism, authoritarianism, militarism, scientific racialism
Vojda: Rejika Ujedinit
Based in: New Portside, Atraelish Neira
Political position: Far-right
Colour(s):      Green, red
Status & Relations
Status: Active
Members: ~7,000 (suspected)
Allies: FlagNicimia PRF.png People's Revolutionary Front
Enemies: Flag of Variyako.png Variyako
Rivals: Flag of thr LVP.png Labour Vilakismus Front
Historical Information
Founded: ~1895
Flag of the National Revolutionary League.png

The National Revolutionary League (Wunal: ዊፆ፡ፆዎ᎐ቩ᎐ፂጀ᎐ነየ᎐ኼ᎐ሢርኪትኪ፡ፂዠዱተዎ tr. Wio Owo'vu'iya'naja'ǩe'sirkitki Ižadutawo) is a far-right nationalist Variyakoi organisation. Alongside the Labour Vilakismus Front it is regarded as the best organised political dissident groups in Variyako, having strong support from the urban middle classes and Variyakoi intellectuals.

The National Revolutionary League is rooted in ethnic Variyakoi nationalism, republicanism, and authoritarianism. It is heavily anti-monarchical, but nonetheless advocates for a socio-political-economic hierarchy where the weak are subordinated to the strong through a process of "survival of the fittest". The National Revolutionary League despite their name do not seek to overturn society, but launch a "pragmatic revolution" that would enshrine militarism and nationalism over religion. The National Revolutionary League are also anti-unionist and believe that market-state co-operation is how an economy should be structured being preferable to socialism.

The National Revolutionary League is led by Rejika Ujedinit (known as the Vojda; chief) and has a top-down hierarchical structure. The core leadership of the League is most likely based in Variyako, whereas party cells are known to reside in Atraeth and states allied to it. Its membership is estimated to be around 7,000 people.

History[edit | edit source]

Formation of the party[edit | edit source]

Present state[edit | edit source]

Ideology[edit | edit source]

Greater Variyako

The National Revolutionary League is rooted in the ideas of Variyakoi nationalist Ante Marinković (1818-73), who advocated for a modernised, greater Variyakoi state that encompasses over the entirety of Neira and Sepercy in Xhequa. Marinković, who developed his political ideals during the early days of the Variyakoi Civil War stated that the collapse of Variyako came from the lack of a strong, centralised state that shunned its "historic responsibility" of attempting to unite the Variyakoi people's.

Organisation[edit | edit source]

Membership[edit | edit source]

Leadership[edit | edit source]

Paramilitary Wing[edit | edit source]

Uniforms used by the NRL.

Symbolism[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]