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Timeline of the Industria Pacificum universe, detailing significant events of history. All years are listed in BCE and CE.
Prehistory[edit | edit source]
4,600,000,000 BCE
- The planet Earth forms from the accretion disc revolving around the young Sun. The complex organic molecules necessary for life may have formed in the proto-planetary disk of dust grains surrounding the Sun before the formation of the Earth.
4,500,000,000 BCE
- The planet Theia collides with Earth, decimating the planet's surface and ejecting a vast number moonlets into orbit around the young Earth. The debris eventually coalesce to form the Moon. The gravitational pull of this new satellite stabilises the Earth's fluctuating axis of rotation, altering the planetary climate and setting the conditions for life to form.
3900,000,000 – 2500,000,000 BCE
- First single-celled organisms appear.
4,800,000 BCE
- Mammals appear in the fossil record.
4,000,000 BCE
- First apes walk on two legs.
1,500,000 - 500,000 BCE
- First species of humans craft and use tools of stone, wood and bone.
150,000 BCE
- First modern species of humans Homo cymluni, within Cymlun. Live in classless, stateless nomadic groups, surviving generally off foraging.
120,000 BCE
- H. neirai, a species of Human closely related to H. cymluni, migrates to Neira, possibly seeking a cooler climate as Cymlun is devastated by a megadrought. H. cymluni proves to be the only species of human adaptable enough to the new climate, and gradually dominates the continent.

Map of Rogganland (or the Roggan Bridge), the now undersea landmass that allowed humans to travel between Cylmun to Amlei by foot during the late Pleistocene epoch (50,000 - 11,700 years before present)
80,000 - 14,000 BCE
- Modern humans cross Rogganland into Amlei (~50,000 BCE) ans migrate to Neira (~80,000 BCE); H. neirai is gradually displaced, dying out through competition, and possibly through interbreeding.
75,000 BCE
- Kanmare supervolcano erupts southwest of Urcinne.
13,000 BCE
- Shifts in climate allow humans to live in villages of up to a hundred strong whilst continuing to live by foraging.
10,000 BCE
- First Agricultural Revolution. Domestication of plants and animals. More advanced usage of tools, use of pottery. Lifestyle of village living entrenches. First systematic war between village groups, however still no real existence of social class or nation states.
7,000 BCE
- Embryos of social hierarchies are born as "chieftainships", however social rank only truly manifests itself through the honouring of experienced elders. Plough separately evolves in both Cymlun and Amlei. Is brought to Neira through trade, however the climate and flora of the region slow widespread usage of the tool in farming crops.
6,000 - 5,000 BCE
- Urban evolution in river valleys of Cymlun, and Amlei. Some use of copper.
5,000 BCE
- First use of writing. Bronze discovered. Agricultural technology evolves to the point where it can produce surplus food.
- States emerge in Cymlun and Amlei.
- First clear divisions of social hierarchies, religious hierarchies, and first temples. The first ruling classes generally manifest as quasi-godlike religious figures. These figures largely enforce their rule through a right to the stockpiles of surplus grain, a monopoly on rainwater reservoirs, intermarrying between high-ranking families and bartering of wives to fortify their bloodlines, control of bodies of armed men, religious dogma, seasonal prediction skills perfected in their free time that is otherwise spent farming by the lower classes, exclusive rights to literacy, and so fourth. Gender roles begin to form, with women becoming socially inferior as their role degenerates until they are generally regarded as property; especially by upper classes.
4,500 - 4,000 BCE
- Growth of city states in Neira.
- Northern Neiran tribes - the ancestors of the modern Tzolkese and Yumeran ethnic groups - are pushed ever northward with the expansion of city-states in the south, a significant number crossing the sea and establishing the first settlements in northern Urcinne.
- Saeyri becomes the first empire, uniting a large region of central Cymlun under one rule. The traditional year of its founding, 4200 BCE, is regarded as Year 1 in the Seonmi Calendar.
- Iron smelted in northeastern Cymlun, on the fringes of Seonmi civilisation. Technology is soon acquired by the empire. Some northern Amleian and Cymluni civilisations fall in tandem with climate shifts, reducing the harvesting of surplus and forcing humans to desert cities and kings to return to nomadic lifestyles.
- Wheel invented in Cymlun.
4,000 - 3,000 BCE
- The first Proto-Upcymlu-Amleian speaking peoples domesticate the horse and begin to migrate across northern and western Cymlun. Horses eventually spread to Neira and later northern Urcinne through trade.
- First Proto-Lowcymlu-Urcinnan speaking humans cross the sea to Urcinne, first inhabiting Alaxua and the Inner Sea islands
2,500 BCE
- New civilisations arise in northern Amlei and Cymlun.
2,000 BCE
- Bronze age in Urcinne. States emerge in Alaxua.
- Iron discovered in Amlei.
1,500 BCE
- Existence of war, empires and ruling classes fully cement within the civilisations of Amlei, Cymlun, Neira and Urcinne.
556 BCE
- The date, in accordance with Astralist and Igniscist scripture, of Aralaster's brief transportation to heaven while meditating, where he is confronted by the Gods of the Amulndian Polytheist Pantheon and instructed to reform the religion into a systematic Church that will subjugate the world and cause it to surrender in worship to the true Gods. In the years following, the Church of Amulndian Polytheism is officially founded.
114 BCE
- The first Soziti Ravadi is established in the Neiran city of Mestata, leading to the start of the Variyakoi Unification Wars and the creation of Variyako. This year is regarded as Year 1 in the Variyakoi Calendar.
Classical Era[edit | edit source]
1 CE
- Start of the Common Era, marked by the fall of the Amulndian Empire that spanned across central and eastern Amlei and northern Cymlun. The year is regarded as Year 1 in the Atraelic and Amulndian Calendars, the two most commonly used calendars in the world.
9 CE
- Amulndian Polytheist High Priest Dunister Ignisc makes several reformations to his religion after allegedly seeing a vision expressing the demands of the Great Mover and its desire to be worshipped as a sentient and singular god. Within the year he founds the Church of Igniscism, becoming its first prophet, triggering the East-West Schism.
Medieval Era[edit | edit source]
- Disesnea-Lyniela Schism occurs, splitting the religion of Astralism over differing attitudes between the Ducassors Salwon and Charñon of northern Amlei and the Ducassors Johan, Hanry, Nicilas and Rasilel of western and southern Amlei regarding Amulndian succession and cultural identification with the Amulndian empire, resulting in the formation of the Sinana sect in the north and the Orthodox sect in the west and south of the continent.
- Atraedia splits into East Atraedia and West Atraedia
- The four Virassian Kingdoms of central Amlei unify to form the Kingdom of Virassia.
- Virassian Empire formed, ruled by the now firmly established Oderanv Dynasty.
- Kingdom of Atraeth formed after the West Atraedian conquest of all East Atraedian territory west of the Estoil river.
- Kiros-Solex Schism occurs, splitting the religion of Igniscism over disputes between the Grand Priests of Atraeth and Xhequa who both regarded themselves as the true religious heads of the former Amulndian Empire and seat of its church. Church splits into the three sects of Classical Igniscism, which retained the original belief of Kiros being the holy city, and Reformed Ignisicm, which regarded Solex as the new rightful holy city.
- Philip Kitatto inherits the throne of Ruuv, who then leads a military campaign that sees the Ruuv Empire conquer much of western Cymlun.
- Securing Ruuv's place as a great power independent of the influence of Kiros and Solex, Philip Kitatto founds the Central branch of Igniscism, officially declaring it as the official religion of the Empire and its Igniscist subjects.
- Amulndian Confederation established with the personal union of Grand Ducassor Ameran III of Gnincae and Queen regnant Serena Lagnenne of Iqualna.
- Xhequa invades Variyako, starting the Variyakoi-Xhequan War.
- Variyako absorbs the last of Xhequa's puppet states on Neira as well as begin an occupation of Sepercy, staring Vairyako's domination over Neira.
- Virassian Empire re-formed in the ruins of the crumbling Oderanvian Virassia, under the rule of the Chasteuila Dynasty.
- First Partition of Amulndia. Historical regions of Esvkrassia, Palorina and northern Gnincae absorbed as Virassian territory.
- Second Partition of Amulndia. Amulndia splits into the two nations of Amulna and Iqualna, with Amulna functioning as the continuing legal personality of the Confederation.
Enlightenment Era[edit | edit source]
- Generally accepted start date of the Enlightenment Era, starting as a cultural movement in the late Knight-Ducassy of Etruarand, where it later spread to the rest of Amlei and into Cymlun. Seeking to compete with the west, Atraeth begins to westernise, sparking many decades of social unease within the peasantry and various sections of its nobility, many of whom rebelled, though inevitably unsuccessfully, against the Atraelish monarchy. Its embrace of western culture spreads eastwards in the following decades, with nations such as Varland and Xhequa becoming particularly receptive to its influence.
- King Alger V Lowthwaite of Atraeth passes the "Deed of Amulndian Birthright", officially commencing the nation's gradual process of westernisation.
- Atraeth - now technologically comparable to the west following ~50 years of westernisation - establishes itself as a regional military power, conquering the Etrius peninsula. Proclaiming itself defender of the Igniscism faith, its military endeavours continue, mounting its first of many bitter and prolonged invasions of Pyorencia in eastern Amlei, starting would become known as the Thirty Year War.
- The final years of the Thirty Year War fall upon Pyorencia as it is battered by decades of war exhaustion and rendered incapable of continuing its war against Atraeth. A great tract of Pyorencian territory is ceded to Atraeth, however the latter is forced to return several provinces to Cesmela, a long ally of Pyorencia, to lower the possibility of further conflict.
- Later, amidst a surge of rebellion, the Pyorencian national minority of Jovara is released from Atraelish rule.
- The Western Amleian Coalition is created following the conclusion of the war, consisting of three key member states Cesmela, Virassia and Etruarand, amongst other small, local nation-states. Though the Coalition threatens Atraeth with counter-aggression, no actual direct conflict ensures, however several covert operations are heavily pursued in attempts to destabilise the nation.
- The First Etruarac Revolution begins in the Knight-Ducassy of Etruarand, gaining momentum across the span of thirteen years as it is seeded by both the desires of an angered and downtrodden peasantry, and a restless class of Etruarac merchants eager for freedom from the stifling restrictions of the long-standing feudalistic system. Event sets in motion a century-long struggle for dominance between the warring classes of merchants and nobility across all of Amlei, and later - to varying degrees of similarity - in Cymlun.
- The embers of the First Etruarac Revolution settle as the Crown of Etruarand is constitutionalised - placing great restrictions on its power - and a democratic parliament is established as the new, main governmental body of the state. Internal customs duties are abolished as a national market is established, guild and government restrictions on entry into particular trades and businesses are abolished, reformed to better fit the ideals of freedom of enterprise and laissez-faire. Knight-Ducassy of Etruarand reestablished as the Etruarac Empire.
- Chasteuilan Virassian Empire falls in the wake of a republican revolution. Othmlia Michlinof, a most prominent general of the revolution, assumes the title of King of the new Kingdom of Virassia, crowned as Othmlia I of the Michlinof dynasty, a King of the people, with ruling jurisdiction held accountable by a new parliament of popularly elected representatives.
- Caserlic Republic of Atraeth formed from the constituent territories of the Kingdom of Atraeth by Edgar Atherforth in response to the rise in republican sentiments throughout the continent. Titles held by the nobility are abolished and the country divided into eighteen states, each governed by an elected governor who is to represent the interests of the state. The positions of "High-leader" and "Stand-leader" are created following the division of the Caserlic Lease into the High Lease and the Low Lease with state elections pegged at a five year cycle. The Caserlic Atraelish Party is formed by the first elected governors, chosen from a restricted list of candidates largely drawn from former lairds, who in turn re-elect Edgard Atherforth as Steward of Atraeth. Other political parties are outlawed as the Caserlic Atraelish Party consolidates power across the nation.
- Second Etruarac Revolution occurs, completely smashing the Etruarac monarchy and its framework of political and social institutions inherited from feudalism that proved too much of an obstacle for further capitalistic development. Feudal dues and tithes levied on agricultural property are completely abolished, with rent, interest and profit enshrined in law as the only legitimate forms of non work income. State and Church separated, making Etruarand the first secular Astralist state. Etruarand re-founded as the Etruarac Republic.
Industrial Era[edit | edit source]
- Industrial revolution gains significant momentum as the now well established world capitalist system looks to mechanisation of the means of production in order to quench its ceaseless thirst for growth. Spreads across Amlei, through the cross-continental Atraeth, and into Cymlun.
- Start of the Odokcracian Revolt which eventually sees Odokcraca declare independence from Variyako. The uprising eventually spills into the Variyakoi Civil War.
- Atraeth invades and annexes Justavka.
- Great Crash occurs, with the nations of Amlei being the hardest hit, which eventually sweeps across the world in a knock-on effect affecting most other industrialised nations of Cymlun and Urcinne.
- Xhangsong Rebellion. The last king of Saeyri is deposed and replaced by an autocratic republican regime led by Juotsou Hou-gemgun.
- 16 March
- Assassination of King Othmlia II, by the People's Revolutionary Front amidst a wave of popular political and social unrest, sparking the Virassian Civil War.
- 30 July
- With political upheaval only galvanising after the coronation of Othmlia III, the Virassian Royal Parliament is established, with a two-party system. The Virassian Republican Party wins in a landslide vote, and mass struggle is effectively dampened across the country in all but the most radical of places. Civil War continues, though for the remainder of the year manifests only as small-scale strikes, terrorist attacks and other small acts of rebellion.
- 6 February
- Nicimian Revolution breaks out during a second mass wave of struggle during the Virassian Civil War.
- 22 October
- End of Nicimian Revolution. Establishment of the Independent Republic of Nicimia.
- General Wassen Schamilte of the Virassian Imperial Army with aid of troops loyal to his command storms the Capitol Palace of St. Engelkea and forcefully abdicates King Othmlia III Michlinof from his throne, declaring himself and his military hierarchy as the new sovereign rulers of Virassia.
- December 31
- Aiming to further cement their rule and to quell yet still unsettled revolutionary currents within the Virassian working class, the Virassian Military Junta pushes forward motions to nullify the ceremonial authority of the King of Virassia with the establishment of Virassia as a Republic by the end of the following year, firmly under their rule, and with authority the Virassian Royal Parliament heavily limited. Drafted plans leak to the public, aided substantially by the work of the thriving People's Revolutionary Front and the Syndicalist Republican Alliance, causing a nation-wide uproar.
- January 1
- The World War starts, throwing the world into chaos, as the fault lines in peaceful diplomacy between the two modern global spheres of influence - the Allies (Headed by Atraeth), and the Entente (Headed by Etruarand) - finally crack. In the Common Era calendar era, the war begins on the 1st of Second Yule/Aralasta 1901 CE. In Soziti Era calendar, it is Uiačaǩah'haćy 24th 2079 SE. In the Year of the Empire calendar, it is 6101 YE 1st of Seonyruya.
- Present date for the first (and current) arc of the Industria Pacificum storyline.
- World War ends.
- Second World War begins.
- Second World War ends.
Post-war Era[edit | edit source]
- The Whitecliff Project is established by the Atraelish government to develop nuclear weapons. A black site is established in the state of Upper Asthuumry for the isotopic separation of saenusium-235 from natural saenusium.
- First test detonation of a nuclear weapon - a gun type saenusium-235 bomb - by Atraelish scientists in north of the state of Hassafin.
- Etruarand launches Sattealatos I - the first artificial satellite - into an elliptical low Earth orbit, kicking off a space race between the Entente and Allies.
- Etruarac cosmonaut Iosif Makedoi becomes the first man to enter space.
- Seonmi zonygenaut Haxin Pas-Kaiu becomes the first woman to enter space.
- Atraeth lands the Rithenas 13 on the Moon, with the two astronauts Finley Montclair and Willam Douglas becoming the first men to walk on the lunar surface.
- Atraeth's Artiser 1 lander becomes the first human-made object to reach the surface of Artiser. Though landing successfully, its transmission system failed within 15.7 seconds.
- Saeyri's Hou 2 lander reaches Artiser. It beams back corrupted data for 119 seconds during its descent before crash-landing on the planet's surface.
- Etruarand's Ewigian 2 lander successfully soft-lands on the surface of Artiser. It transmits the first ever photograph of the artisan surface back to Earth, however its solar panels failed to deploy, thus rendering the craft unusable within a few hours.
- Atraeth's Artiser 6 lander reaches successfully soft-lands on the surface of Artiser. Remains operational until 1979.
- Second Great Crash occurs.
Modern Era[edit | edit source]
- Generally accepted start date of the modern era, starting at the official end of the Post War Boom with the Second Great Crash of 1978-1985, characterised by a decay in the capitalist system, severe austerity, and civil rights movements across the globe.
- February
- Third World War begins
- October
- Third World War ends
- Civil Rights Movement starts in Atraeth before spreading across the world, with global discontent rising in reaction to a decade and a half of austerity following the Second Great Crash and finally boiling over with the devastation caused by the Third World War. The movement swelled to gigantic proportions across most of the globe, with many regimes being toppled though leaders abdicating or in revolutionary upsurges. Though much less internationalised by the turn of the millennia, localised civil rights struggles continued within many nations for a few more years until the movement finally slowed down by the early 2000's.
- The official end of the Civil Rights Movement, with most widespread dissent defeated by successful governmental crackdown, austerity, and co-opting and taming many formerly revolutionary movements into reformist politics. Though many regimes were toppled during the movement, those that replaced them ignored most of the demands of the masses, with the few who did attempt to answer their cries finding they could do little to solve the crises of the system. The 2000's become characterised as an era of globalisation, corporate monopolies, economic crisis, austerity, futile resistance and widespread defeatism in the masses, and monolithic police states.