User:Dog of War (2)/Sandbox
- Structured constitutionally in a similar manner to Qadaffi's Jamahiriya - that is, government is officially dispersed in regional People's Hedezha's who report to provincial Rikěží that report to the national Dolnacja with the Ravadi playing a purely advisory role by declaring the "will of god". Constitutionally there is no executive government with power being in the hands of the masses.
- Political parties are banned. Only the LVF exists as a mass organisation which co-currently controls labour unions and unofficial institutions. Within the Dolnacja sit only the LVF (778 seats) Labour Trade Union Congress (43 seats) Women's Congress (43 seats) and Youth Congress (43 seats). A referendum was held in 2002 that asked voters if they wished to lift the ban on political groupings which was overwhelmingly defeated (Do you wish to abolish Article 72.2B of the Constitution? 98.9% No > 1.1% yes). This was the second referendum in Variyakoi history - the first in 1908 after the annexation of Tzolkun (Vilakismusi Republic: Yes or No? passed 99.31% Yes > 0.69% No). Elections for the Dolnacja are held every ten years.
- De facto one party state (LVF is officially a popular organisation, not a "party"). The Ravadi control all spheres of public life and as they issue the word of God they are able to centralise power. As a nation under God, God's word comes before the Hedezha's who are deemed heretical counter-revolutionaries if their directives contradict the Ravadi's.
- Secret police/paramilitary - Guardians of the Vilakismusi Revolution. The worst of the IRGC and the Stasi mixed into one, and after 1908 the main backbone of the regime. The Holy Guardian of the Vilakismusi Revolution is their leader and by default the leader of the regime.
- Ultimately the state, LVF and military are subordinate to the GVR, which acts as a state within a state.
- Divided into four provincial republics - Umlokovy, Zeleovki, Tzolkun and Mestata.
Note: All leaders wear Shiite clerical robes.)
- Father Sulejman Lukanov (in power 1904-1943; died 86) - Led revolution. Unleashed the revolutionary terror which saw millions killed for heretical and counter-revolutionary actions as well as conquer Umlokovy, Zeleovki, Tzolkun and Variyako. Created Vilakismusi republic and purged political opponents. Initiated land redistribution which gave land to peasants whilst the state requisitioned grain. Launched economic modernisation and industrialisation - by his death Variyakoi industry had expanded (similar to pre-war Poland Song of Lukanov)
- Brother Miomir Bošnjak (1943-61; died 79) - Inherited power from Lukanov. Opened Variyako's foreign relations, exerted greater state control of the economy and sought to rapidly industrialise Variyako. Strengthened state institutions which allowed him to launch his industrialisation programme. Launched nuclear weapons commission, and developed chemical weapons. (Appearance: Liu Shaoqi; Oh Great Helmsman!)
- Brother Aleksandar Jugčević (1961-97; stepped down aged 71) - First leader born post revolution. Developed experimental nuclear weapons - by 1997 Variyako's nuclear programme resembled Pakistan's in the 1990's. In 1975 after Odokracia elected a Vilakismus government Jugčević oversaw the "reunification of Variyako" with Odokracia being absorbed into Variyako. Developed "consumer socialism" and a move towards socially conservative policies. Developed greater trade links with the outside world and undertook moderate economic reforms. (Appearance: Yasuhiro Nakasone; Bless Us, Aleksandar Jugčević)
- Brother Vjekoslav Oreč (1961-8) - Ruled jointly alongside Jugčević until 1968, during which time the two engaged in a power struggle. A staunch party conservative opposed to all economic reform, he began to be marginalised after the 1966 LVF presidium and in 1968 was purged as a "heretical-rightist scab" by Jugčević. (Appearance: Wang Hongwen)
- Brother Vladimir Zujovic (1997-; aged 67) - Took over after Jugčević was ousted initially as a compromise between moderates and hardliners, before crushing the moderate factions and empowering the hardliners. Expanded military spending and nuclear programme. Continued some economic reforms but crushed pro-democracy protesters in 2004. (Appearance: Xi Jinping; Without Vladimir Zujovic, there would be no new Variyako)
(1908-43: Agrarian Socialism; 1943-68: Industrial Socialism; 1968-94: Industrial Export-led Socialism ; 1994-2016: Industrial Neomercantilism)
- 1904-8: Little reform; focus on war effort. Slave labour used in mines.
- 1908-21: Land redistribution scheme. Landlords stripped of their land which is given out to the peasants. Royal holdings redirected to the government which experiments with collective farms. Little industrial expansion, although large industries and mines are nationalised.
- 1921-43: Kocopov Commission is drafted that calls for greater industrialisation. Grain requisition used to fund industrialisation. Heavy industry emphasised. However, industrial growth is slow as the LVF do not want to requisition too much grain which would alienate their peasant support base.
- 1943-68: With the regime secure, all businesses were nationalised as private trade was abolished. People in cities were communised. Agriculture was semi-collectivised in stages, but full scale collectivisation was not undertaken. Massive industrialisation became the main economic focus as foreign trade was liberalised. Economic concerns became less idealogical as the peasants had their produce fully requisitioned thus breaking the social contract between the regime and the peasantry. Period of high economic growth that ended in 1966.
- 1968-94: With economic growth faltering, the regime under Jugčević launched the Eight Year Plan where small scale privatisation of agriculture and light industry was undertaken. When Jugčević consolidated his power in 1971 opened up trade with the outside world. Greater focus on services and providing for an expanding middle class. The economy however remained mainly state owned and state driven.
- 1994-: A financial crash saw the state intervene by enforcing currency controls in the Stop, step back, develop policy. Neomercantilist policies implemented whilst domestic state socialism is retained, whilst industry remains core focus.
Social Policy
- 1904-8: General lawlessness.
- 1908-43: State sponsored conservatism. Women expand into the workplace and are given more rights, but less so then men. Homosexuality and abortion banned, education expanded to all children (used as indoctrination). Health reform slow. Strict censorship. Anti-immigration/emigration policies. Cultural assimilation.
- 1943-71: Women's rights improved in order to put more in the workplace for industrialisation. Social conservatism still prevalent. Universal healthcare established, although its implementation is patchy as is social welfare. Education expanded. Strict censorship. Homosexuality and abortion banned. Anti-immigration/emigration policies. Cultural assimilation.
- 1971-: Social welfare and healthcare expanded. Women's rights ignored- dissident feminist movement exists although it is repressed. Strict censorship, although it is relaxed. Homosexuality and abortion banned. Anti-immigration/emigration policies. Cultural assimilation.
Note: By the end of the century, the Gantaiz people had essentially undergone a genocide comparable to the Armenians by the Turks mysteriously disappeared.
- 1904-15: Revolutionary Terror. GVR established. Labour camps created. Political enemies buried alive. Opponents in the civil war murdered as is other dissidents to the regime. Strict censorship. Forced conversions to Sejaveti Soziti. Ethnic cleansing. Language policies passed ban all but Wunal. Local culture repressed.
- 1915-43:Revolutionary Terror ended. Labour camps retained. Language policies retained. More institutionalised means of control. Periodic purges.
- 1943-61: Semi-collectivisation heightens oppression. Language and local cultures policies relaxed however as provincial republics created. Periodic purges.
- 1961-2001: Mass campaigns first introduced as the GVR is expanded. Two levels of oppression - citizenry oppression (eg. struggle sessions) and state oppression. Periodic purges.
- 2001-: Mass campaigns used less. Tightening of language policy. More sophisticated technological methods of oppression utilised. Periodic purges.
Cult of Personality
- Vulko Silajidžić - Short lived personality cult. City of Anya renamed Vulkorovka. Discontinued after 1907.
- Sulejman Lukanov - Main cult, comparable to the cult of Mao/Türkmenbaşy/Atatürk. Reinterpreted as the founder of the LVF as Silajidžić is written out of history, with Vulkorovka being renamed Lukanovka. Portrayed as a god with his sayings being the standard text taught to children. The subject of many films, books, poems, art and songs. All dominant in media during the 1930's. His teachings are often quoted up until the 21st century as the correct way. Untouchable in the eyes of the current regime, who maintain his cult with any criticism being quickly denounced. Indoctrination is so strong many commit suicide at the news of his death. Body kept embalmed Mao-style.
- Miomir Bošnjak - Cult as successor to Lukanov. His cut never reaches the height of Lukanov. Whilst respected after death he is not seen as a God like Lukanov but as a respected revolutionary and theoretician. Also embalmed in a smaller tomb. Tellingly referred to as "Brother Bošnjak" unlike "Father Lukanov".
- Aleksandar Jugčević - Short lived cult that as abandoned due to Jugčević's lack of revolutionary credentials. Largely maintained Lukanov's cult. Cremated.
- 1904-8: Variyakoi Revolution. In 1902 Lukanov orders a directive welcoming defectors from the National Revolutionary League and the Imperial Army into the Peasants and Workers' Brigades. Annexation of frontier territories as well as the capture of Tzolkun, the first time a Variyakoi state has annexed Tzolkun completely.
- 1908-28: Peasants and Workers' Brigades disbanded. Military split into the elite Holy Guardians of the Vilakismus Revolution and the Revolutionary People's Army which consists of a navy and army. The RPA reports directly to the Dolnacja which is controlled by the LVF. Conscription mandatory.
- 1928-33: Purge of RPA leadership. Revolutionary Guardian named commander-in-chief of the RPA bringing the military firmly under the GVR's control.
- 1933-43: World War Two. Variyako joins [X] side against [X]. Attempted invasion repelled but not before extensive infrastructure damage. Revolutionary Military Commission formed to co-ordinate military affairs. Revolutionary Guardian suspends Dolnacja implementing de jure military rule. Airforce created.
- 1943-54: WWII ends. Revolutionary Military Commission dissolved whilst the Dolnacja re-congregates (still a rubber stamp however). Military spending reduced.
- 1954-56: War over Odokracracia. Variyakoi invasion repelled.
- 1956-68: Military leadership purged. Nuclear Commission launched.
- 1968-97: Military spending increased. First nuclear weapon successfully tested in 1996.
- 1997- : Continued high military spending. Military modernised. Nuclear and chemical weapons programmes expanded.
State ideology
- 1904-8: Ideology focuses on purging "heretical-reactionary elements". Encouraged alliance between rightist liberals and tolerance of intellectualism to oppose counter-revolutionary reactionism. Prior to his death in 1903, Silajidžić stated that "To cooperate with the liberal rightists against the forces of imperialism is no crime; as long as the weeds are rooted out from the flowers, then the revolution will bloom either way".
- 1908-15: At the first LVF Presidium Lukanov declares that "the time of revolutionary co-operatism is over - from now on, there should be self-criticism to determine the children of god and the rightist scabs. Genuine revolutionaries of the Vilakismusi cause have nothing to fear, as they have nothing to criticise - hence, only rightist scabs will try and stall this revolutionary procedure". Intellectualism and liberalism is crushed as forced conversions are instituted. Ideological orthodoxy is emphasised and geared towards cleansing "rightist scabs". Landlordism is condemned as the height of rightist heresy, with Lukanov claiming "the landlord is the highest form of heresy; his reactionarism and feudalist existence contradicts both the words of God and the will of the people".
- 1915-43: Land redistribution, social conservatism, modernity and collectivism are emphasised alongside the belief in a "Revolutionary Guardian". Moderate industrialisation seen as s sign of the Variyakoi's regime modernity.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Songs[edit | edit source]
De facto anthem of the LVF.
Blessed and the heroes
Born by our mothers
We will guard our Variyako
Shout the chosen
Let the imperialists know
That we can never be defeated
Shout the chosen
Let the imperialists know
That we can never be defeated
Mestata, Yukochyna, Otžanje, Kovecko
They lie all close to our hearts
Hovzemku, Mažupani, Hizǰako, Laćasa and Žoublo
Every fighter is guided by Lukanov
We are true Variyakoi
We are true Variyakoi
My proud Variyako!
We are true Variyakoi
We are true Variyakoi
My proud Variyako!
Blessed and the heroes
Born by our mothers
We will guard our Variyako
Shout the chosen
Let the imperialists know
That we can never be defeated
Shout the chosen
Let the imperialists know
That we can never be defeated
Zelolepo, Kakoraina, Gradnyn and Ojokina
They lie all close to our hearts
Nepostka, Pogozem, Chanata and Divjudima
Every fighter is guided by Lukanov
We are true Variyakoi
We are true Variyakoi
My proud Variyako!
We are true Variyakoi
We are true Variyakoi
My proud Variyako!
A marching song used by the Labour Vilakismus Front during the Variyakoi civil war.
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
Bow down in O'bavah'ǰat
Fight to we feel God's touch
Bow down in O'bavah'ǰat
Fight to we feel God's touch
We will defend our faith
For God and for socialism
We will defend our faith
For God and for socialism
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
Learned of the Iszotec
Guided by Lukanov
Learned of the Iszotec
Guided by Lukanov
Protecting the people
From the heretical rats
Protecting the people
From the heretical rats
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
In revolution we will see
The death of landlords
In revolution we will see
The death of landlords
The land shall be ours
As God's chosen race
The land shall be ours
As God's chosen race
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
We are, We are, We are Vilakismus, slaves of God
A popular song sung by members of the National Revolutionary League during the Variyakoi civil war.
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
Father of the weaklings
The yellow skins will turn their backs on you
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
Receive a short life
Your friend Juotsou is smiling in your face
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
Sejaveti degenerate
Juotsou will lead thirsty across the water
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
Small are your borders
They would have been greater if you weren't unclean
There will soon be no Seayri pies made from Variyako's golden wheat
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
You're awfully mad at us
Because a true Variyakoi would not sell himself for flour
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
Why do you need food?
Do you not have any women so you can just fast?
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
You will lose your honour
When Juotsou will take your goats and send back the fat
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
Something is wrong with you
You think your so big when in fact you are so small
There will soon be no Seayri pies made from Variyako's golden wheat
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
You have a terrible flaw
Because papa you have chosen utterly the wrong side
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
What are you gonna do now?
You have been betrayed by Juotsou's cronies
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
We too had called you
But you wanted to be the great "prophet"
Oh Lukanov Lukanov
Maybe you don't know
You had flown fly but instead have fell so low
There will soon be no Seayri pies made from Variyako's golden wheat
Ramblings[edit | edit source]
- On EUIV in 1444 Variyako would be like one of potentially powerful nations with the non-western tech tree but lots of minors around it that can be easily conquered. In Victoria 2 it would be one of those shit primitive countries in Asia that's only advantage is its hard to invade.