User:NecrusIV/Sandbox 2
Character Pictures[edit | edit source]
What source material is used as inspiration for character artwork.
- Dog's projects
- Vukomanovića XII, Zanikoj of Variyako: That picture Dog did of him. (100% + coloured)
- Sulejman Lukanov, Chief theoretician of the LVP: Sukarno’s bloated face with the apparel of Ruhollah Khomeini and the beard of Ho Chi Minh (100% + coloured) A polite softly spoken man.
- Herzeg Zubak - Variyakoi ambassador to Sonyang, considered a reformist in the Imperial Court: Nguyễn Văn Linh. He is considered loyal but indecisive.
- Maria Ujedinit - Wife of Rejika Ujedinit, the leader of the National Revolutionary League: Yoshiko Kawashima (with uniform) with two plaits of hair and fez. Malipulative and egiotiscal compared to her dithering husband
- Miomir Bošnjak - A peasant from Umlokovy who becomes a Vilakismusi officer: Liu Shaoqi (Note: future leader of Variyako, if a picture is ever drawn soon be when he is leader). Shrewd, but is commonly seen as a simple thug.
- Khal's projects
- Juotsou Hou-gemgun, High Marshall of Sonyang: Ren Weidong with a dash of Long Yun. (100% + coloured)
- Charles Giffard, High-Leader of Atraeth: Lev Kamenev, with a few adjustments (100%)
- Eric Abbey, Stand-Leader of Atraeth: Nikolai Bukharin (100%)
- Harold Smithman, Steward of Atraeth: Harold Wilson with a lion-esque beard. (100%)
- Signis Tyler, deposed Chancellor of Atraeth: Looks very unremarkable, slightly chubby, with a bad moustache that doesn't suit him.
- Neck's projects
- Helos Piktari, President of Etruarand: José Antonio Aguirre
- Wassen Schamilte, ruling General of the Virassian junta: A bald August Bebel. (100% + coloured)
- Dzorge Proud, Atraelish-Virassian anarchist who goes to university in Belessia: Thin almost handsome fellow with a narrow face and curly hair (100%)
- Perrie Josephson, Atraelish anarchist and close friend of Jorge Proud: young-looking in a Kerensky kind of way, except he's actually competent and a decent human being. (100%)
- Signis Pale, small-L liberal who writes for the not-Guardian: looks like his personality.
- Mark Nowe, Virassian anarchist, member of the RSP faction of the SRA. Works in a coal mine, militant member of the National Miner’s Union: frequents a sodden but persistent expression, beard with a small moustache, flat cap.
- Eduard Golder, Dickhead from the ASP with a large amount of respect as a key member: handsome, but sneery and arrogant in a thoroughly unattractive way. Has round glasses.
Landscape & other pictures[edit | edit source]
- Fraser LT isometric drawing - (25%)
Political theories[edit | edit source]
- Heckelism - similar to Keynesianism, but also incorporates elements of Marxist economics. Dominates the reformist left internationally. Understands the labour theory of value; that the value of any commodity, sans its use value, is determined by the labour required to produce it. Profit therefore derived from not paying workers back all of the wealth they produce. Also claims that capitalist crisis can be averted by government intervention in the economy so that various components of the economy, e.g. Consumer spending, can be restored.
- Prucinnaism - a key theorist of neoclassical economics: that the market is a neutral self regulating system that functions best with minimal state intervention. "Prucinna's law", a key part of this economic theory is identical to the real world Say's law, that: wages and profits paid out during production are equal to the total sum required to buy the goods produced, which therefore can always be sold. In effect production is the source of demand and aggregate production necessarily creates an equal quantity of demand. For Prucinna's (Say’s) law to work there should be no “artificial” interference in labour markets—such as minimum wages, welfare benefits or pressure from trade unions.
- Sherburneism - a far right ideology that romanticises the Amulndian empire as the golden era of western culture.
Political colours[edit | edit source]
Section to keep track of the colours used in politics.
- Grey: Anarchism, anti-authority, autonomism, anti-capitalism
- Black: Revolutionary politics, working class and peasant militancy, anti-capitalism; also sometimes used to additionally symbolise syndicalism, trade unions and trade union militancy.
- Grey and black: Colour combination popularly used by anarcho-syndicalist groups and individuals identifying as anarcho-syndicalists. Used by the Syndicalist Republican Alliance.
- Blue: Republicanism, anti-monarchism, democracy (bourgeois), parliamentarianism. Also symbolised the general concept of freedom and liberty. Used by Janisserist Astralists as a religious colour.
- Blue and White: Colours specifically associated with the Etruarac Revolution and the tradition of Amleian democracy, similar to some degree to the real life French tricolour.
- White: Various; often associated with religious adherence, unity, purity, and/or rebirth. Used by Sinana Astralists as a religious colour.
- Yellow and blue: Colours specifically associated with the Sineal War of Independence
- Red: Fascism, specifically in Amlei, however extends to other far right movements across the world.
- Red and white: Colour combination associated with the fascist People's Revolutionary Front
- Yellow: Seonmi national colour.
- Maroon: Yashurhieli national colour.
- Pink: holy Hararist colour
- Green: Associated with Wunal cultural identity.
- Dark green: Associated with Virassian nationalism. Often used with black and gold, colours of which were used on the escutcheon of the first Kingdom of Virassia.
- Vanilla and/or gold: Colours used to represent Astralism, specifically the orthodox sect.
- Light brown/ dull green: Used as a religous colour by followers of Necrism.
- Green and vanilla (or gold): Colours of Amulni national identity.
- Red, purple, green: Colour combination specifically associated with the Najidu and Odokcracian nationalism and republicanism.
Flags and flag symbolism[edit | edit source]
Aggurat : based of the modern form of the traditional Seonmi flower banner, featuring a stylised white and red Siusiu flower on a dark blue field.
Amulna : Shield flag variant, with its shape typical of flags of the Astralist Kingdom of the Gods inspired by the imperial banner of the Kingdom of Mordras.
Anagini : though its symbolism is unknown, the flag is based off a similar royal banner used by the Kingdom of Anagini since the middle ages. It features a representation of an Anaginian tower in black on a white field.
- 25x18px Anamutra
Atraeth : Streamer flag variant adopted in 1703, with its shape inspired by traditional eastern Amulndian battle flags used as early as ~460 BCE. Features an Amulndian Imperial Device on a red field decorated in several Argent Crosses. The Imperial Device is deliberately used as a symbol of Atraeth's claim of being the true successor of the Amulndian Empire. Its red field and crosses hark back to the Kingdom of West Atraedia, with the Argent Cross - as apposed to Or Cross - being a more contemporary Atraelish symbol.
Aurygus : inspired by bordured flag of St. Engelkea, which by extension uses the escutcheon of modern Middle-Virassia and the whole historical Kingdom of Virassia, however uses the "inverted" colours of red and silver
Barval : based off the long-used escutcheon of Barval; azure a cross argent. Used continually as a symbol of Barvalese nationalism.
Cambrinia : Shield-flag featuring the arms of Cambrinia, with the flag's field featuring elements of the shield, i.e. ermine and sable.
Cesmela : a "canton-and-barry" flag variant inspired by the flag of the Etruarac Empire. Used as a symbol of the Etruarac republican tradition and of the nation's adoption of democracy. Though the blue canton is a contemporary feature, the black and white bars are based off the colours of the pre-republican arms of the former Kingdom of Cesmela.
Cordurou : Shield flag variant, incorporating the arms of Cordurou and a black field decorated in purple stripes of a similar design to the pallets of the coat of arms.
Cossica : Shield flag incorporating the blazonic elements of the arms of Cossica; sable a fess wavy argent between two sun-stars argent.
Craerelcy : based off the flag of the Kingdom of Virassia, instead using the arms of Craerelcy in the centre left and two blue bands.
Ditira : Streamer flag variant, decorated in the colours and charges of the Hallowed Nation of Whittram of Xhequa.
Eflela Fusion between the canton and barry and the fess flag designs, reflecting the nation's historical ties to central Amleian culture and the Etruarac republican tradition
Etruarand : the first of what would be known as the "canton-and-barry" flag design. A slightly modified version of the flag of the Etruarac Empire, featuring a lighter blue, however retains all the iconic elements typical of canton-and-barry republican flags.
Flaigasil : modernised flag design incorporating traditional symbols and colours (black and brown crowned abata mask with shotels and the phrase "Flaigalish Empire" written in the canton in Flaiga script) upon modern colours of turquoise and white, officially representing "peace and hope"
Freasiea :Inspired by the flag of the Etruarac empire, designed to reflect its allegiance to the empire, and later, the republic
Frevannd : Canton-and-barry flag incorporating the tinctures of the long-used escutcheon of Frevannd when it was a subject of the Virassian Empire.
- 25x18px Gakkni
Gashaorhiel : Designed in accordance to southern Cymluni banner trends. Its official vexillological description is "Dark green rectangular panel bordered white containing a bull of Zohur gazing upwards with a crescent upon its horns, and next to the hoist a stylised white sun-star of Astralism bordered dark green within a white square bordered dark green, within a white border."
Iqualna : Sheild flag with the escutcheon of Iqualna near the hoist, with a purple field and white border taken from the constituent mocassies of Palorina and Cantinenay, and the black border taken from the black tower of the escutcheon of the Crown of Mordras
Kannas : A contemporary flag not based on nay historical Kannasian design, depicting two gold Igniscist Father Lions on a red field quartered with two gold Necrist acorns on a green field. Intended to symbolise the cultural and religious differences of the region's inhabitants.
Legrena : a "fess flag" of red and blue. The fess flag is a common central Amleian design, inspired by the first Imperial Banner used by the Virassian Empire under the Oderanv Dynasty, however without any royalist coat of arms.
- 25x18px Libitaea
Likadja : fanion flag decorated in the royal colours of the Čaka: blue, white and red. Features a star of Tjažudo Soziti in the centre with a vertical sabapiz pattern near the hoist side
- 25x18px Mahlerand
Nuntu Incorporates typical textile patterns and colourations of Nuntu's ruling ethnic group
Nicimia :Fess flag decorated in the colours of the People's Revolutionary Front
Odokcraca : tricolour swallowtail flag decorated in the colours of the Najidu: red, purple, and green.
Sine Weythern : shield flag variant with elements inspired by elements of the flag of the Etruarac Empire as a symbol of republicanism and democracy; namely stripes and sun-stars. Features the iconic wavy sun-star of Janisserist Astralism in the centre left. The colour yellow is used as a symbol of Sineal national identity, wheras the blue is used to symbolise both Janisserism and republicanism.
Saeyri :Modern variant of the several-century old Seonmi flower banner used since 1237 CE, depicting a stylised black and white Seony flower on a yellow field.
- 25x18px Tlaxunawal
- 25x18px Umren
Virassia : a canton-and-barry flag decorated in the Virassian national colours of black and green, with a golden Virassian Eagle in the canton.
- 25x18px Wanijmangura
Yashurhiel : Designed in accordance to southern Cymluni banner trends. Its official vexillological description is "Maroon rectangular panel bordered black containing a pink face of the ti-wyotlana, and next to the hoist four pink pinwheel yasz within a black border."
- 25x18px Yuatma
- 25x18px Yupanxla
Vexililogical opinion[edit | edit source]
In my personal Vexililogical opinion:
Best designed flags
Saeyri : Passes as a good flag due to its effective colour usage, simplicity and uniqueness. Could be drawn in dark pencil on white paper by a child and would still be recognizable. Its reverse side would be identical, also qualifying it as an effective flag.
Average flags
Variyako Pleasing colour balance and unique design makes the flag very recognisable both close and from a distance. Its rich patterns would make the flag expensive to produce, however its simple design elements would, with some basic knowledge of Variyakoi culture and religion, be easy remember and draw (at the very least, with the lion and soziti star). Its reverse side would still depict the lion marching towards the hoist half, flipping it and technically making it a different charge, however this is not a problem as it was not designed to follow Amulndian blazonic rules.
Worst designed flags
Mainath : Probably the world's worst flag. Despite its rich symbolism, it is an absolute mess of design elements, most of which cannot be seen properly made out from a distance. Expensive to make, difficult to draw by anybody, let alone children.
Weapons of the world[edit | edit source]
Industria Pacificum, being a historical materialist no fantasy nonsense setting, is populated with functional and realistic weapons. Golden rules:
- All melee weapons must pass with a score of at least 9.5
- No katanas.
- If in doubt, copy from historical weapons that had histories of effectiveness.
Non-gunpowder[edit | edit source]
- Neiran nations
- Talwars are highly favored as the traditional horseman's weapon, with basket hilts and extended tangs (for optional two-handed use) being commonly seen. Since the late medieval period, Talwars have seen increased usage by officers and the elite even when not mounted, with use of the weapon seen as a sign of high status.
- Spears, designed exclusively for thrusting, are the traditional peasant foot soldier's weapons, and most likely evolved to such levels of prominence in order to effectively combat the horseback warrior classes who ruled and dominated the continent for much of its history.
- Bows are typically seen as sporting weapons, however did see usage in combat.
- In Neira, axes never evolved beyond felling axes, however have seen usage as makeshift weapons by peasants when resisting invaders and during rebellions.
- Seonmi nations
- Swords similar to the Khopesh were commonplace during antiquity.
- Arming swords similar in design to the Kaskara became a weapon of choice since being introduced to the Seonmi Empire during height of the late Amulndian Empire.
- In modern history, sabers have almost exclusively replaced the arming sword, with the latter widely despised as a symbol of the tyrannical royal dynasties of ages past. Sabers are used by both cavalry, and are worn as a sign of rank by all commissioned officers.
- Necrist Amlei
- Iron weapons of various kinds were used by indigenous Necrist tribes during antiquity, the most popular and iconic being the Necrist falx. Hatchets, clubs, and spears were also commonly used.
- By the time of the late Amulndian Empire and the dawn of the middle ages, most Necrist tribes adopted western weapons, including the steel war axe, arming sword, and pike.
- Hobria & North Ewigic nations
- War axes, both one and two-handed, were the long-standing weapon of choice for Hobrian raiders and corsairs and Ewigic warriors, establishing the axe as the archetypal "barbarian's" or "pirate's weapon" in western culture.
- Abata nations
- Blades similar to the shotel and bolo are frequently used, however the bolo is rarely used for combat.
- Amulndian-descended nations
- During the early reign of the Empire, swords similar to the gladius and spartha were commonplace, with small crossguards and handles designed for one-handed use. Arming swords, which would be used heavily throughout the middle ages, evolved during the late Empire.
- Spears were used throughout the Empire throughout practically all of its reign. By the middle ages, the spear had evolved and split into many polearm variants, with common designs being the pike, poleaxe, bill, glaive and halberd.
- Zweihanders were first used in the middle ages throughout Amlei, and to a lesser extend in northern Cylmun.
- Rapiers evolved in northern Cymlun, becoming highly prized weapons during the late middle ages and enlightenment, eventually spreading to Amlei.
- Maces and warhammers evolved in response to increased employment of heavily armored cavalry, developed as tools designed to puncture steel plate armour.
- In modern history, sabers have increasingly become the iconic modern sword, and are typically used in modern combat by cavalry.
- War axes were used commonly by conquered Hobrians, and later by many commoners across the empire, however never saw official use by Amulindian and post-Amulndian armies.
- Southern Cymlun
- Swords similar to the Khopesh were used during late antiquity and the early middle ages, however most armies were comprised of high numbers of archers.
- By the late middle ages, scimitar-like swords were commonplace.
- Quarterstaves have remained in use for thousands of years as common weapons, and are seen as symbols of honour and skill.
- Spears have been used for millennia, for both thrusting and throwing. By the late middle ages, polearms of many typed had evolved, with common designs being similar to the partizan, poleaxe and bardiche. By the time of the enlightenment, they had replaced scimitars in most modern foot soldier regiments, however scimitars continued to be used within mounted regiments, with them still occasionally being employed in modern armies.
- Urcinnan nations
- Yumeran nations
- Opelitl nations
- Wooden weapons inlaid with shark tooth or sharpened bone blades and macuahuitl-like clubs.
- Bone armour
- Taiaha-like wooden staves are used in a similar manner to Southern Cymluni quarterstaves
- Since the late Middle Ages, in their resistance to colonialism iron-based weapons were used, including scimitars, war axes and pikes.
Gunpowder[edit | edit source]
- Matchlock rifle
- First developed in the mid-15th century in Amulna, and became commonplace throughout Amlei and northern Cymlun by the 1600's.
- Mamuyishe (Yashur Matchlocks) developed independently in the Hanhuatl Yashurhieli Empire in 1631 CE. As part of ongoing diplomatic relations improvements since the start of the 17th century, Yashurhiel shared the technology with the Seonmi Empire.
- Flintlock rifle
- First developed in 1614 CE in the Chasteuilan Virassian Empire, where it quickly replaced the matchlock. Technology was successfully stolen by the Emsthe Aralasta in 1622, where it then spread all throughout the Astralist nations. Was acquired by the Kingdom of Atraeth in 1625.
- Percussion rifle
- The percussion cap was first developed in 1820 in Etruarand during its rise to global prominence, enhancing its edge military on the world stage. The new weapon was capable of firing in any weather, and was far faster to reload than the previous matchlock variant. Technology was stolen by Atraeth within the year of its invention, and within the next few years was replicated throughout the western world. As part of Etruarand's ongoing imperialist domination of Atloehyoszo Yashurhiel, thousands of new percussion rifles were shipped to the nation in exchange for several monopoly contracts over Inner Sea trade.
World #1 power list[edit | edit source]
Amulndian Empire 1000 BCE – 0 CE
Xhala Dynasty 0 CE – 235 CE
Saknashusz Dynasty 235 CE – 972 CE
Emsthe Aralasta 972 CE – 1117 CE
Ruuv 1117 CE – 1168 CE
Emsthe Aralasta 1168 CE – 1394 CE
Hanhuatl Dynasty 1394 CE – 1431 CE
Seonmi Empire 1431 CE – 1607 CE
Virassia 1607 CE – 1701 CE
Amulna 1701 CE – 1816 CE
Etruarand 1816 CE – 1890 CE
Atraeth 1890 CE – 1990 CE
Sine Weythern 1990 CE – Present
Culture[edit | edit source]
Notes on the sources of each of the predominant cultures in IP.
- Amulndian: Early-mid medieval western European, Roman, with an emphasis on looking "ancient". Only looks properly medieval European when it comes to weapons, and only because of practicality.
- East Amulndian: to reflect the stagnation of the east, it keeps its Roman look throughout the middle ages (and also to avoid the stale "Medieval English/French" dynamic). Only starts to look properly post-roman European come the modern era, e.g. British for Atraeth, French/Italian for Xhequa, etc.
- West Amulndian: A strong infusion of middle-ages Muslim culture once the middle ages arrive, influencing dress, architecture, etc. Looks quite Turkish/Ottoman in places.
- Seonmi: Aztec-Mayan-Zapotec, Shang dynasty China, Ancient Egyptian (primarily weapons), shifts to late Qing dynasty and Republican China in the modern era, though avoiding the whole "imperial China" look and keeping more to the classic Kuomintang look. Unique architectural style.
- Yashur: Akkadia-Sumer-Zoroastrian Persia-etc, India, Ming dynasty China. Small dash of ancient Greece. Unique architectural style. Liberal usage of maroon as a key colour, with sparing usage of yellow, magenta, green, blue, and orangy-pink [caste colours] for trim.
- Abatan: West African, Incan [especially clothes and textiles patterns], Southeast Asian [especially architecture], a small dash of Japanese [especially art]
- North Abatan: More emphasis on African for clothes
- South Abatan: More emphasis on Incan for clothes
- Virassian: Necrism with an added German-ness to it, especially after the industrial revolution (particularly the mythological Prussian militarism aesthetic). Also a small dash of 1900-1917 Russia.
- Ewigic: Anglo-saxons, ancient Greece [especially iconography, patterns and other artistic themes, though not sculpture or architecture]
- Necrist: Roman-era Celts (especially Dacia), Inuit.
- Yumeran: Mongol [because they're nomadic horde nations obviously], Japanese [Primarily the kendo equipment look for soldiers and back-mounted banners], Native American [Primarily art], with liberal usage of the colours black and white with a sparing usage of flouro cyan, pink and aquamarine. Indian-esque textile designs. Some bits from Myst II - Riven (largely the wooden icons of wooden beetles boars used in the villager's religion).
- Opelitl: Very similar to Vuscovi from Tales of Madness (Kievan Rus, Bantu [Masks], Andean [Textile patterns, especially its unique depictions animals and human figures], Inuit, Polynesia [Masks, textiles], Aztec [Primarily weapons]), with a liberal usage of the colours purple, cyan, lime green, aquamarine and pink).
- Urcinnan aboriginal: Australian aboriginal, small dash of Maori.
- Wunal: A general "Central Asia" look (including Persian, Arabic, Indian, Russian, etc), Ethiopian
- Tzolkese: Mongolian, Inuit, Siberian Nenets, Tang dynasty China
- Wiguada & Ougau: Indus River valley
- Xibi: Norte Chico
In-universe Chemical elements[edit | edit source]
Though IP's science is all real, the names of a lot of stuff obviously would be different. The elements and their in-universe names are as so (ordered by atomic number):
- 1H: Hydrogen
- Its other two naturally occuring isotopes are also still known as Deuterium and Tritium
- 2Ie: Ietherium (Helium)
- 3Li: Lithium
- 63Am: Amleium (Europium)
- 80Su: Sunarium [historically Sunar's Silver] (Mercury)
- 92Sa: Saenusium (Uranium)
- 93Rs: Rithenasium (Neptunium)
- 94Is: Istridanium (Plutonium)
- 95U: Urcinnium (Americium)
- 96Ki: Kingslaium (Curium)
- 99Gi: Gillespium (Einsteinium)
- 100Ch: Chuhouium (Fermium)
- 101Dv: Drevensium (Mendelevium)
- 103Zt: Zoltarium (Lawrencium)
- 106Nx: Nexium (Seaborgium)
- 107Ym: Ympostium (Bohrium)
- 114Td: Tindium (Flerovium)
Music[edit | edit source]
Traditional Music[edit | edit source]
Ancient Anyukaimi Hymn, c. 1400 BCE (oldest recorded melody)
Astralist choral music
Seonmi Seonsol choral music
Virassian Necrist druidic music
Yashurhieli Hararist music
Modern Music[edit | edit source]
Popular western music
Virassian Civil War Songs[edit | edit source]
Young Virassian Guard - A song of the People's Revolutionary Front
- Original Serbian
- Pravda nas je uvjek vodila
- Ponosna hrabra Garda se rodila
- Chorus:
- I dok je nama ovakvih junaka
- Branice se rodna gruda svaka
- I dok je nama ovakvih junaka
- Branice se rodna gruda svaka
- Narod je htio
- Božija je Pravda
- Rada se nova mlada Srpska Garda
- Danas su na Igmanu
- Sutra ko zna gdje
- Al sve sto je Srpsko
- Sigurno ostaje
- Danas su na Igmanu
- Sutra ko zna gdje
- Al sve sto je Srpsko
- Sigurno ostaje
- Svi se redom bili protiv nas
- Zajedno smo morali potrazili spas
- Chorus
- Istine i pravde sad se cuje glas
- Niko vise nece pokoriti nas
- Chorus
- In-universe version: Virassian
- Ȥastikus-ah awez lēd ijas
- Di prodē ih bov gardē birithkwaz
- Chorus:
- -
- -
- Chorus
- -
- Chorus
- In-universe version: Literal Atraelish translation
- Justice has always led us
- A proud and brave guard was born
- Chorus:
- As long as we have such heroes
- All of our land will be defended
- As long as we have such heroes
- All of our land will be defended
- The people wanted it
- It is the justice of the gods
- A new young Virassian guard is born
- Today they march on Sonnzirē
- Tomorrow who knows where
- But anything that is Nicimian
- Will surely become so
- Today they march on Sonnzirē
- Tomorrow who knows where
- But anything that is Nicimian
- Will surely become so
- Everyone was against us
- Together we sought salvation
- Chorus
- Hear the voice of truth and justice
- No one will ever conquer us
- Chorus
Royal Families[edit | edit source]
House of Chasteuila[edit | edit source]

Pretty damn influential family in a way very similar to the Habsburgs. Pronounced /tʃæs.ˈtweɪ.la/.
Virassian[edit | edit source]
Willek Dynasty
- Otersen Willek - King of Vethden who conquered the neighbouring Necrist Kingdoms of Ucrissia, Astrary and Bupreca, renaming Vethden as Middle-Virassia and forming the Kingdom of Virassia. (ruled 910–929)
- Otersen II Willek - During his rule, Otersen II concreted a sense of Virassian identity across the formerly independent kingdoms under his rule, characterised by staunch adherence to Necrism - in defiance of the growing influence of Astralism from the west - and fealty to the King of Virassia as sovereign protector of all Virassians. (929-961)
- Otersen III Willek - An apathetic and mediocre ruler, Otersen III ruled for a mere eight years where, at the apex of his national unpopularity, he was usurped by his younger brother Jogsen. (961-969)
- Jogsen Willek - Ruled for thirty two years before dying of disease, leaving no legitimate heirs. (969-1001)
Oderanv Dynasty
- Rodimir Oderanv - former General of Jogsen's military, where he proclaimed himself as new ruler of Virassia. To secure his reign, preventing pretenders from contesting the throne in the same manner he did, Rodimir established the first rules of Virassian succession, where following a King's death, the crown would be passed to his oldest living male relative, or the oldest female relative if there is no living male with a strong enough claim. The proclamation of these rules angered much of the nobility, sparking rebellions as local lords rallied their own armies against the "false" King Rodimir, however their resistance was vain and short-lived, as Rodimir's well established army and tactical prowess proved firmly unchallengeable. Rodimir's character as both ruler and military leader established a classical Virassian military tradition that would last for centuries to come, where the rightful rulers of the Kingdom were expected to also be capable generals. (1001-1059)
- Rodimir II Oderanv - (1059-1101)
- Khasivor Oderanv - (1101-1149)
- Rodimir III Oderanv - (1149-1167)
- Rodimir IV Oderanv - (1167-1233) Conquered significant tracts of the Kralars region during his reign
- Rodimir V The Great Oderanv - Conquered the western Necrist Kingdom of Legrena, and later conquered territories controlled by the Emsthe Aralasta during what would become known as the Great Necrist Crusades, fully annexing the ducassy of Aemosy and vassalising Havaktia. Had no legitimate sons living by the time of his death, fathering only one legitimate child, born a sickly child and dying at the age of fifteen, and twenty three illegitimate. (1328-1449)
- Emian Oderanv - Rodimir's oldest sister. Reluctant to rule, she abdicated, with the crown passing to her younger sister Athelia. (1449-1450)
- Athelia Oderanv - Married Duke Alkes Chasteuila of Esvkrassia, to whom she mothered five children. King Alkes Chasteulia ruled as an equal with Athelia, however this behaviour was only to fortify his prestige and legitimacy, and was not practised by his sons. (1450-1466)
Chasteuila Dynasty
- Jozine Chasteuila -
- Bazine Chasteuila -
- Sannen Chasteuila -
- Pereos Chasteuila -
- ...
- Pereos II Chasteulia
- Paterisk Chasteuila - Ascended to the throne at age sixteen. Though the legitimate son of Pereos II, by this period the Chasteulia dynasty was so ethnically Amulnan that Virassian nobility refused to recognise its legitimacy, however Parterisk refused to abdicate, declaring that the collective Virassian nobility was a "false nobility", and that ethnic Virassians were unfit to rule the Empire. A wave of national unrest followed, and within the year Paterisk was assassinated by Virassian pretender rebels. (1752)
Interregnum period
- During this period, the Virassian Empire was embroiled in a war between three primary noble families each vying for control of the crown. In September 1755 Count Silmar Tashlitof of Craerelcy took advantage of the more legitimate Duke Bohema Michlinof of Virassia's status abroad in Cymlun, whose coronation was planned but subsequently delayed due to illness, and instead attended the ceremony himself to be crowned as King of the Virassian Empire, albeit with much disdain from supporters of Bohema. Following Bohema's return in October, unprecedented thousands of loyal troops rallied to his side and marched against Silmar, who reportedly hid in his chambers in terror as his palace was stormed by soldiers, stealing the Virassian Imperial crown. (1752-1755)
Michlinof Dynasty
- Bohema Michlinof - Took power in the November of 1755 after rightfully winning the crown of Virassia, riding on a surge of popularity as a true ethnic Virassian King and successful military conqueror. (1755-1794)
- Othmlia II Michlinof - (1886-1897) Assassinated in 1897, sparking the Virassian Civil War, with his death claimed by the People's Revolutionary Front as their doing.
- Othmlia III Michlinof (1897-1901) By the close of 1901, Othmlia III is removed of monarchical power by General Wassen Schamilte, extinguishing the Virassian monarchy.
Languages[edit | edit source]
Mutual Intelligibility[edit | edit source]
= Real world
= In-universe
= Both
Language | Phrase (Latin letters) | Phrase (In-language; if applicable) | Language family |
Finnish | En puhu suomea | " | Finnic (Uralic) |
Russian | Ya ne govryu po-rossii | Я не говорю по России | Slavic (Indo-European) |
German | Ich spreche kein Deutsch | " | Germanic (Indo-European) |
English / Atraelish | I don't speak English / I don't speak Atraelish | " | Germanic (Indo-European) / Upcymlu-Amleian |
Virassian | En te nist sviekh Vrskanna | Են թե նիսթ սվիեխ Վռսկըննա | Upcymlu-Amleian |
Wunal | Nwo bysid'ba'reǩe Wunalaka | ንዎ፡ቢሢድ᎐በ᎐ሬኼ፡ዉነለከ | Neiran |
Virassian's intelligibility with English is comparable with its intelligibility with German. Below is a chart comparing useful phrases from all three languages:
German | English/Atraelish | Virassian | Virassian literal translation |
Willkommen | Welcom | Yelkom | |
Guten Tag | Good day | Gād dei | '"Good day" |
Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch | I speak a little English | En sviekh di Vrskannalaub | "I speak a Virassian-little" |
Schön, dich kennen zur lernen (inf) | Pleased to meet you | Nowēvn gād dā taut av jue | "Known good to meet of you" |
Dialects[edit | edit source]
Example words/phrases to get a sense of dialectical variations.
Virassian[edit | edit source]
"Fālkes Strugelarie Fornt" (People's Revolutionary Front)
- Belessian /'fəl.kes 'stɻʊ.ge.lɑ.ɻiː 'fɔːnt/
- Midwestern /'fəl.kes 'stɻü.ge.lɑ.ɻiː 'fɔɻnt/
Translations[edit | edit source]
For giving languages test-runs.
Original phrase:
- Industria Pacificum is a work of political fiction set within a fictional world dominated by several warring empires and nations reforged by the fires of an industrial revolution, and tempered for a brave new era of industrial capital and mechanised war.
Atraelish[edit | edit source]
Upper Atraelish
- -
Xhequan Atraelish
- -
Wunal[edit | edit source]
Midwestern Variyakoi
- "Inudasutriya Pacifikumawo" ǰaa wu načme'zešuty'oktipatha ho na'bora salisuuča'nelaki ǩesuduža wu čuča'ižeka'kulitha ake wu čuča'ižaduta'kulitha yoli'hoothěža ǩuǩu šene'manguda'kogepo, ake olusta'gane'ǰoki kapitala'kogeki ake naja'ǩe'kogeki ćeluǩu.
- In Wunal text: ᎘ፂኑደሡትሪየ፡ጰሢፊኩመዎ᎑፡ጀ᎕፡ዉ፡ነቻሜ᎐ዜሹቲ᎐ፆክቲጰተ᎙፡ሆ፡ነቦረ፡ሠሊሡ᎕ቸ᎐ኔለኪ፡ኼሡዱዠ፡ ።
- "Inudasutriya Pacifikumakhawo" ǰaa wu načme'zešuty'`oktipatha ho na'bora `salisuuča'nelaki ǩesuduža `ooya čuča'ižaduta'kulitha ake `ed čuča'ižaduta'kulitha yoli'`hoothěža ǩuǩu šene'manguda'kogepo, ake olusta'gane'`ǰoki `kapitala'isayeki ake `naja'ǩe'isayeki ćeluǩu.
- In Wunal text:
With grammatical information highlighted
- Nominative case suffix (wo)
- Genitive case suffix (ki)
- Ablative case suffix (po)
- Accusative case suffix (tha)
- Instrumental case suffix (ǩu)
- Tense suffix
"Inudasutriya Pacifikumawo" ǰaa wu načme'zešuty'oktipatha ho na'bora salisuuča'nelaki ǩesuduža ooya čuča'ižaduta'kulitha ake ed čuča'ižaduta'kulitha yoli'hoothěža ǩuǩu šene'manguda'kogepo, ake olusta'gane'ǰoki kapitala'kogeki ake naja'ǩe'ki'kogeki ćeluǩu.
Seonmi[edit | edit source]
- Faiuhausewutseiukareinabohasawuleiklin"Industria-Pasifikam"bauyotsan-zotsiubomakokakoboklinshanyhetsan
Tips for writing IP[edit | edit source]
This will eventually make it into a "writers guide to Industria Pacificum", which will become useful if this wiki ever broadens to include a wider range of authors who are not so tightly knit as the current community.
Political, scientific and historical approach[edit | edit source]
Suggested political outlook of your content
With all wiki editing, it is important to respect the existing content written by other authors. When it comes to political, historical and scientific themes, the general approach of IP's authors is left wing. Some authors are particularly neutral in the political language they use, whilst others write with a noticeable Marxist flair.
The key well-established political ideas employed in the wiki's community - explicitly and inexplicitly - is historical materialism. As written in the Wikipedia article of the same name, historical materialism is: "...principally a theory of history according to which the material conditions of a society's mode of production (its way of producing and reproducing the means of human existence or, in Marxist terms, the union of its productive capacity and social relations of production) fundamentally determine its organization and development."
Beyond the centrality of the mode of production in understanding the progression of history, this outlook demands a scientific (i.e. the scientific method) and materialist (i.e. the supremacy of matter as the most fundamental basis on which all space, nature, consciousness, human intelligence and every other aspect of existence exists) approach to the understanding of history and humanity's relationship with the natural world.
This approach therefore does not allow for the literary themes of science fiction or fantasy to be written as factual events happening in-story. It also allocates a very small amount of criticism-free space for:
- Postmodernism (understood here as "an attitude of skepticism or distrust toward grand narratives, ideologies, and various tenets of Enlightenment rationality, including the existence of objective reality and absolute truth, as well as notions of rationality, human nature, and progress")
- Identity politics
- Biological determinism
- A general attitude of history being driven by ideas, individuals and great people - as opposed to objective material conditions.
If you are politically convinced of any of the above topics, then we strongly advise that Industria Pacificum is not for you.
Industria Pacificum is not intended to be a soapbox for Marxists to preach their ideas. If it were, it would be a failed project with a practically non-existent audience. It is instead a work of political fiction that exists to recreate real life historical themes in various forms and mixtures, and applies them to various circumstances to result anything from similar to completely different results in a kind of "what if" simulator. The left wing, historical materialist approach is employed to this historical work as an inevitable result of the pre-existing politics of IP's authors, and will change and diversify if more authors join.
IP also allows a great deal of room for satire and parody of real life events, allows for an appreciation of the political themes and cultural aesthetics of various stages of history, and has the capacity to be a teaching tool for authors and their own political education off-site (for example, writing about a civil war that takes themes from real life civil wars that an author is learning about, using fiction as a method to explore and understand historical events).
Reference: the existing politics of the story
The trends of the first Industria Pacificum arc are fairly close to those dominant during the early 20th century real world, with a few key differences.
Firstly there are the similarities:
- Imperialism, capitalism and war are the words of the day for the ruling classes, with nationalism being a key polarising force that infiltrates all parts of society. Much like classes themselves, other divisive elements perpetuated by capitalism and greater class society as a whole, such as racism, cultural repression, religious sectarianism, sexism, homophobia, and etc., clearly exist in equal proportions.
As for the ideas not propagated by the ruling classes, there are also similar trends:
- The right thrives, with its ranks expanding by the day, with the trends of theocratic politics (i.e. church rule), racial supremacy (e.g. white supremacy in Amlei or Urcinne, or ethnic Seonmi superiority in Saeyri, etc) and ultranationalism being most dominant.
- Throughout the left, there is the immense strength and dominance of reformist politics, similar in regards to the influence and politics of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (when it was explicitly Marxist, not like the modern SPD). Its dominance of the unions is unquestioned, however it clearly subordinates union action to parliamentarianism, even to the point of crushing some "undesirable" strikes. Nationalism has also swept social democracy to a staggering degree, with its attitude regarding the national question being a "reluctant" acceptance of the oppression and control of national minorities and offshore colonies in the belief that their continued affiliation with the fatherland will prepare (even civilise) them so that they too are capable of transforming into socialist nations.
- Alongside reformism, there is a growing trend of anarchism. Though greatly eclectic, with many dozens of political trends and ideas, its two most dominant characteristics are syndicalism and anti-capitalism, with a clear rejection of the revolutionary party, and of the state. Its hostility to the state - in any form regardless of it being a bourgeois or worker's state - extends to the point of complete hostility to even voting in elections or supporting a government's implementation of progressive reforms. Its focus on syndicalism extends further than merely trade unions and workers power, with terrorism tactics and armed conflict - regardless of the political situation - being seen as additional key anti-state and anti-capitalist tactics.
There are also a few differences:
- The left divided primarily into the two camps of reformism and anarchism, both of which harbour great weaknesses which generally prevent them from ever truly achieving their political projects. Politics similar to Marxism still exist, however have far less influence than they have had in the real world, and are often distorted and blurred with the more dominant reformism or anarchism.
- One side, as mentioned, is social democracy, with its weakness being its utter capitulation to the limits of parliamentarianism and its deluded view of capitalism. Its most dominant theoretical framework is similar to the ideas of Eduard Bernstein; i.e. the very short-sighted belief that modern capitalism has evolved to a point where its contradictions have slowed and softened, evolving into a more equitable, humane, stable and democratic system. Socialism, therefore, is merely an inevitable process that travels a path paved not by workers' power, but only occasional reforms. Any mention of the separate class interests of the bourgeoisie and proletariat - in the modern world - are almost never mentioned or discussed by key theoreticians.
- Anarchism is influential to a much greater degree than it has been in reality. For the anarchists, revolutionary defeatism is a common trend - something bitterly at odds with the right and the social democrats -, and entails an acceptance of the defeat of national governments in wars, and a push to turn nation-to-nation war into civil war waged against the nation-states themselves.
Setting[edit | edit source]
Reference: Transport
- Trains: Average steam locomotive speed for trains of the time period is 80 km per hour.
- Cars: Top speed for your average mass produced car of the 1900’s is 12 km per hour.
- Horses:
- Horses, like people, can’t travel on foot forever. Endurance depends on a wide variety of issues – condition of the animals prior to their departure; the season; that day’s weather; geographic challenges they face that day; proper fit of the riding and pack saddles; how often and accurately the animals are fed, and how talented the riders are.
- Based on a loose “ideal” situation, a Long Rider can hope to average between 25 and 30 kilometres a day. You don’t ride a horse cross country like you drive a car. That means the Long Rider usually rides for five days and then takes two days off to rest himself and his horses.
- Quote from a 1917 British cavalry manual regarding the average pace for travelers -- “Distances covered in one hour, walk 4 miles, trot 8 miles, canter 9 miles, slow gallop 12, gallop 15 miles. The rate of marching should average about five miles an hour, including short halts. The rate of march will vary according to the nature of the country, the gradient of the roads and the climate.”
- Walk – 3 to 5 mph (four beat movement or gait); Trot – 8 to 10 mph (two beat movement); Canter – 15 mph (three beat movement); Gallop – 25 to 30 mph (A two-beat stride during which all four legs are off the ground simultaneously. This is a four-beat movement)
- (see for more info)
Reference: Living standards (Based off standards in the United States, c. 1900)
- Average income for a working class person is is Ꭶ637/year (Ꭶ12.25 a week, 17.5¢ per hour; if all 52 weeks in a year are spent working).
- Working week is often as long as 70 hours, i.e. 10 hours a day (or 14 hours + weekends off). A few nations, localities and/or specific industries have won the eight hour day, but not all of them.
- New Home (Median Price) - Ꭶ2,225
- New Car (Avg. Cost) - Ꭶ1,168
- Milk (1 Qt / 0.94 L) - 7¢
- Bread (Loaf) - 4¢
- Steak (1 lb / 0.45 kg) - 12¢
- Stamp - 2¢
Writing techniques[edit | edit source]
Suggested approach to depicting languages
- When the characters in a story you are writing do not speak Atraelish, one good way to signify the difference in languages is to use general modern English for their native tongue (e.g. if your main characters were Seonmi and spoke Seonmi), whilst peppering in canonical words here and there (e.g. for places or particular cultural concepts or etc) for effect. For languages that are not the "point of view" language of the story, use the canonical in-universe language (e.g. if an ethnically Seonmi character started speaking Abata) [Consult users in charge of those languages to get help], as these languages would normally unintelligible for the average speakers of your point-of-view language.
- For Atraelish speakers, you could use the correct "dialects" for characters who speak in one or several of the Atraelish dialects (discerning the difference between Upper, Central and Xhequan Atraelish and the people who speak it, i.e. Germanic root words for Upper, French/Latinate root words for Xhequan, and a mix of the two with weird spellings for Central. All the dialects are and should be perfectly legible to anyone fluent in English, with the word choice being noticeable enough to know what dialect is being spoken when). Alternatively you can do a generic hollywood approach and have everyone speak English - if you really really want.
Suggested approach to literary devices
- Make Tristram Shandy proud: cause and effect causes events, not fate. Again, think historical materialism.
- Applicability, not allegory: don't write something as allegory, but write something so that can be applicable to real life a scenario or scenarios. Allegories are one-dimensional and when recognised can often break suspension of disbelief. For example, if you want a 9/11 reference, don't "write a 9/11 parallel with buildings blowing up and terrorists being the new witches to hunt" to explain how the real life sensitivity regarding 9/11 is ridiculous; write it as an event with one or more occurrences which can be linked to 9/11... and can be linked perhaps to many other historical events.
Loose ideas[edit | edit source]
An amalgamated blob of rough ideas that can't be put anywhere else.
Card Games[edit | edit source]
- Knock - Equivalent to the real life Euchre; responsible for introducing the Joker in western card sets around the 1850's. Played across the eastern Amulndian nations, in the Sinana nations, and in eastern Virassia. Traditionally, the Atraelish Style deck uses a 32-card deck consisting of A, K, Q, J, 10, and 9 of each of the four suits; the Sinanan Style deck includes the 8 and 7 of each suit.
IP "arcs"[edit | edit source]
Largely inspired by the "future" map (1910) of post-WWI IP, which was inspired by seeing this and playing the Extended Timeline mod for EUIV. This probably wont ever amount to anything, but it's a cool thought experiment. Though the faux latin is cool, actual sequels would probably just use "Industria Pacificum: Arc __" for simplicity's sake.
- Arc I ~600 BCE - ~600 CE : "Imperial Pacificum" (Empire) Antiquity
- Arc II ~600 CE - ~1400 CE: "Divinus Pacificum" (Divinity) Middle Ages
- Arc III ~1400 CE - ~1800: "Navigatio Pacificum" (Voyage) Enlightenment and colonial era
- Arc IV - 1800 - 1905: "Industria Pacificum" (Industry) Industrial era, buildup to WWI.
- Arc V - 1910 - 1940: "Mortem Pacificum" (Death) Aftermath of the war and buildup to WWII.
- Arc VI - 1950 - 1990: "Liquesco Pacificum" (Decay) Post-war era, atomic era, rise of neoliberalism.
- Arc VII - 1990 - 2020: "Interitum Pacificum" (Afterlife) Pretty close to being a GHOST spiritual successor at this point.
Story Ideas[edit | edit source]
Basic ideas[edit | edit source]
- Four Accounts of Struggle: Virassian Civil War, set in the late 1800's-early 1900's; Failure of anarchism, the mechanisms of revolutionary working class organisation and struggle, the mechanisms of fascism VS ruling class authoritarianism. Probably the longest story due to its focus on character's political development alongside the development of the civil war.
- Holding Pattern: Yashurhieli Revolution & Civil War, set in the late 1930's; Basically a parallel to the Russian civil war and terribly dire circumstances which faced the fledgling workers' state, but based instead in Yashur material conditions, and with a different outcome (if the whites won). Should be pretty short, since it's primarily about the political situation.
- The Long Journey South: Self-gratifying travel across Cymlun and Neira by a well-off Atraelish historian/anthropologist and his linguist and archaeologist colleagues, set in the 1960's (which in the IP context is comparable to irl 1950's due to no civil rights movement). Minimal action, maximum worldbuilding. Could be any length due to its focus away from character development and towards world development.
The Long Journey South[edit | edit source]
- Joseph Harrison - former Atraelish Officer with a PHD in Anthropology. Highly wealthy family. Signs off duty in Justavka in Pasturehallow 1961 and heads off for his tour across Cymlun with J̌osif in Second Yule 1962.
- Robert "Bobby" Mackenje - Good friend of Joseph and amateur historian, joins the crew in Kiros. Mostly there for the holiday but enjoys being lectured at by the other three members of the posse.
- Aline Normanie - Xhequan linguist, polyglot and historian, joins the crew in Kiros. From an upper middle class family. She has an advanced fluency in Atraelish, Xhequan, and Seonmi, a medium fluency in Wunal, and has a beginner level of knowledge in several dozen others, including Etruarac, Amulni and Virassian.
- J̌osif Bojožada - Justavkaun doctor (general practitioner) who was put through university by the Harrison family. Close friend of Joseph. Hobbyist historian and author with an impressive knowledge in world history. Fluent in Wunal and Atraelish.
Future Nations[edit | edit source]