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14th Century/Pre-Stuff[edit | edit source]
- 1310: Xhequa invades Variyako, starting the Variyakoi-Xhequan War.
- The 1300's is often referred to as the "Century of Troubles" by Western historians, a term used not to describe a single event but rather a period of widespread conflict, plague, instability, famine and rebellion. It is estimated during this century Amlei lost up to 60% of its population most of which were of the peasant class. The effects on the continent were far more than just catastrophic loss of life as with much of the excess population now gone cities were unburdened by the squalor and poverty that had previously impeded progress and with less peasants around the working wage vastly increased, food was more plentiful and the quality of life for the lower classes generally improved. The clergy lost much of its control over the masses as people grew frustrated with the churches constant promises of salvation but complete lack of results, combined with the up to as they were often the most likely victims to plague due to their interactions with infected individuals. This led to the common man looking instead to his king and lords for protection, creating the basis of what would become later known as Nationalism. The middle class grew in size and influence even outside of typically mercantile cities with the centuries events marking the end of medieval Feudalism and allowing the cultural phenomena known as the Renaissance to take hold across the continent.
15th Century[edit | edit source]
- Variyako absorbs the last of Xhequa's puppet states on Neira as well as begin an occupation of Sepercy, staring Vairyako's domination over Neira.
- Amulndian Confederation established with the personal union of Grand Ducassor Ameran III of Gnincae and Queen regnant Serena Lagnenne of Mordras.
- Virassian Empire re-formed in the ruins of the crumbling Oderanvian Virassia, under the rule of the Chasteuila Dynasty.
- First Partition of Amulndia. Historical regions of Esvkrassia, Palorina and northern Gnincae absorbed as Virassian territory.
- Second Partition of Amulndia. Amulndia splits into the two nations of Amulna and Iqualna, with Amulna functioning as the continuing legal personality of the Confederation.
16th Century[edit | edit source]
- Generally accepted start date of the Enlightenment Era, starting as a cultural movement in the late Knight-Ducassy of Etruarand, where it later spread to the rest of Amlei and into Cymlun. Seeking to compete with the west, Atraeth begins to westernise, sparking many decades of social unease within the peasantry and various sections of its nobility, many of whom rebelled, though inevitably unsuccessfully, against the Atraelish monarchy. Its embrace of western culture spreads eastwards in the following decades, with nations such as Varland and Xhequa becoming particularly receptive to its influence.
- Atraeth establishes itself as a regional military power, conquering the Etrius peninsula. Proclaiming itself defender of the Igniscism faith, its military endeavours continue, mounting its first of many bitter and prolonged invasions of Pyorencia in eastern Amlei, starting would become known as the Thirty Year War.
- The final years of the Thirty Year War fall upon Pyorencia as it is battered by decades of war exhaustion and rendered incapable of continuing its war against Atraeth. A great tract of Pyorencian territory is ceded to Atraeth, however the latter is forced to return several provinces to Cesmela, a long ally of Pyorencia, to lower the possibility of further conflict.
- Later, amidst a surge of rebellion, the Pyorencian national minority of Jovara is released from Atraelish rule.
- The Western Amleian Coalition is created following the conclusion of the war, consisting of three key member states Cesmela, Virassia and Etruarand, amongst other small, local nation-states. Though the Coalition threatens Atraeth with counter-aggression, no actual direct conflict ensures, however several covert operations are heavily pursued in attempts to destabilise the nation.
17th Century[edit | edit source]
- The First Etruarac Revolution begins in the Knight-Ducassy of Etruarand, gaining momentum across the span of thirteen years as it is seeded by both the desires of an angered and downtrodden peasantry, and a restless class of Etruarac merchants eager for freedom from the stifling restrictions of the long-standing feudalistic system. Event sets in motion a century-long struggle for dominance between the warring classes of merchants and nobility across all of Amlei, and later - to varying degrees of similarity - in Cymlun.
- The embers of the First Etruarac Revolution settle as the Crown of Etruarand is constitutionalised - placing great restrictions on its power - and a democratic parliament is established as the new, main governmental body of the state. Internal customs duties are abolished as a national market is established, guild and government restrictions on entry into particular trades and businesses are abolished, reformed to better fit the ideals of freedom of enterprise and laissez-faire. Knight-Ducassy of Etruarand reestablished as the Etruarac Empire.
18th Century[edit | edit source]
- Chasteuilan Virassian Empire falls in the wake of a republican revolution. Othmlia Michlinof, a most prominent general of the revolution, assumes the title of King of the new Kingdom of Virassia, crowned as Othmlia I of the Michlinof dynasty, a King of the people, with ruling jurisdiction held accountable by a new parliament of popularly elected representatives.
- Second Etruarac Revolution occurs, completely smashing the Etruarac monarchy and its framework of political and social institutions inherited from feudalism that proved too much of an obstacle for further capitalistic development. Feudal dues and tithes levied on agricultural property are completely abolished, with rent, interest and profit enshrined in law as the only legitimate forms of non work income. State and Church separated, making Etruarand the first secular Astralist state. Etruarand re-founded as the Etruarac Republic.
Virassian Succession Crisis[edit | edit source]
Virassian Succession Crisis | |||||||||
Date: |
1302 - 1396 (94 years) | ||||||||
Location: |
Outcome: |
1st Phase (1302-1325) Stalemate 2nd Phase (1332-1368) Aralasta Victory 3rd Phase (1380-1396) Virassian Victory:
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Territory changes: |
N/A | ||||||||
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[Source] |